A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Friday, August 28, 2015

A Love Spat

Kyliska's eyes narrowed in anger as she peered through the leaves of a potted plant. The plant was placed at the corner of an intersection between two hallways, and she crouched down behind it, her eyes locked on the scene unfolding further up the hallway. What she saw made her heart pound, fury rising within her. Biara was standing near another elf, one that Kyliska didn't recognize, her body leaning forward and in towards the other. While it would seem to most casual observers that perhaps Biara had a secret affair going on, Kyliska knew better and could tell by her sister's posture and the way she seemed to be whispering into the other elf's ear that it was anything but a sordid little love tryst.

No, Kyliska's sister was clearly giving orders to a spy in what she probably thought was the most secretive and clever manner possible. She even wore a hood, as if she were about to go for a walk in the rain outside so that her features were obscured, but Kyliska was not fooled and could clearly see Biara's glowing rune-marks even through the leaves in front of her. When Biara handed the other elf a rolled up piece of parchment Kyliska knew that she would immediately be able to get to the bottom of the issue. The fact that her sister was still controlling spies without consulting with her even though Kyliska was supposedly 'THE' Lady Sunfire now was infuriating, and showed that Biara continued to meddle even when she no longer had a need to.

As the two Sin'dorei parted, Kyliska ducked back around the corner of the hallway, leaning against the wall and casually waiting. A moment later the male Sin'dorei that Biara had been whispering to turned the corner, only to find himself roughly grabbed by the shirt and hurled into the wall. Amusingly to Kyliska, the elf attempted to pull a knife on her, but she quickly headbutted him in the face which caused his head to crack against the wall and his eyes to go glassy. She slapped him a few times until he could focus and his eyes widened as he realized it was Kyliska that had grabbed him.

"The scroll. Now," Kyliska said sternly.

"B-but...o-of course L-lady Sunfire....I-I....h-here you go!" the spy sputtered, producing the letter.

Kyliska released him, snatching the paper from his hands and reading quickly, her ire increasing with each sentence and her face turning red. The spy was smart enough to slink away while Kyliska was reading, wanting no part of a feud between the sisters of the House.The letter was short and to the point, but what it contained made Kyliska's bile come up in her throat, her anger pounding at her temples.

You are ordered to make contact with the SI:7 agent Rosellina Cooke at the location we previously discussed. You will report your mission's success to me directly. Braeth'el will no longer be handling this contact as his relationship with my sister complicates the matter. I had not anticipated that he would take his orders to watch over her quite so seriously or push the mission so far. I expect a report within two days. Destroy this missive after you have read it.

"So this whole time he's been with me because he was ordered to be with me by Biara!" Kyliska shouted at no one. She crumpled the paper up in her fists, turning and storming away towards the nearest stairwell. She would have a word with her so-called 'lover' about this!


To put it mildly, Braeth'el was surprised when Kyliska kicked open the door to his office and stormed in. He blinked in surprise as she whirled and slammed the door hard enough to make the bolt clatter against the wooden frame before turning and stalking towards him, a murderous scowl on her face.

"So THIS is what our relationship means to you?! You bastard!" Kyliska shouted, hurling a crumpled up piece of paper at Braeth'el and striking him in the forehead.

Braeth'el sighed, somewhat used to his lover throwing temper tantrums but clearly not expecting this. When he replied, his tone was mild and pleasant and designed to soothe her, "Hello Kyliska. It seems you have some issue with me that we need to discuss then, yes?"

Kyliska bristled, stomping around the desk and jabbing a finger in his face, "How dare you sit there and pretend like you don't know! How much of what we've had has been the truth and how much has been a lie?! No, don't answer that because I couldn't even trust the answer! It's un-fucking believable!"

"Kyli, I'm pretty sure I have no idea what you're talking about right now..." Braeth'el began.

Kyliska's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she raged. Her hand came out, striking Braeth'el in the face and then backhanding him a second time. Like a solid rock he was almost immobile, and Kyliska felt her hand stinging from the impact with his rugged jawline. None-the-less, the blows did little to reduce her anger and she nearly spat in his face as she yelled, "I can't believe you'd continue to pretend that you have no idea what I'm talking about! It's bullshit! I've done everything for you and this is what I find out! I'm fucking done with this, do you hear me? Fucking done! I'm leaving and when I come back I don't even want to see any hint that you've ever been here you lying fuck!"

Before he could even reply she whirled around, storming away from him and was out the door as his mouth hung open in surprise. He blinked a few times before reaching down to pick up the crumpled note and then sighed deeply, actually rolling his eyes for a moment.

"Oh Kyli, what a great job at jumping to conclusions. And Biara... I have no words for how bad you are as a spymistress," Braeth'el muttered to no one. He shrugged, rising from his chair and heading out of the door. It was obvious that Kyliska both needed an explanation, and a lesson on how to properly handle potential issues in a relationship. Fortunately Braeth'el had just the means to provide both. He grinned as he walked, heading towards Kyliska's quarters and glancing out the window to see how light it was out. He'd have a few hours if he knew anything about Kyliska at all; just the amount of time he needed.


Kyliska's whole world spun around and it just made her laugh to see the room spinning. She'd been drinking for hours at the bar and felt pretty damn good. Certainly much better than she'd been feeling after she found out about Braeth'el's 'mission' to seduce her. She laughed, shaking her head at how stupid she'd been and pounding a fist on the bar, calling for another drink.

As she took another shot, a figure slipped onto the stool beside her, his muscular form clothed in tight-fitting, designer clothes that some of the wealthier merchants of the city sported these days. His long black hair was artfully styled and matched the elegantly trimmed beard that lined his strong chin. Kyliska found herself eyeing the stranger over through her blurred, drunken vision even as she took another shot, her voice a husky whisper as she spoke to him, "Well hello there handsome...."


 Kyliska's head pounded terribly as she opened her eyes, the light in the room making her immediately shut them and moan in discomfort. It felt like she'd been fighting dwarves for hours and been hit in the head by their warhammers a few too many times. Oh-so-carefully she opened one eye, wincing as the light pierced her bloodshot eye and sent stinging pain into her head again. Shaking her head, she slowly opened the second eye, accepting the fact that she was going to have a pounding headache for hours after all the drinking she'd done. She was familiar enough with the feeling to know that's what must have happened even if she couldn't remember it.

For a moment, she lay perfectly still on the comfortable bed that she'd awakened on, just breathing and fighting off the pain. After a time she realized that the ceiling above her was entirely unfamiliar, and she blinked a few times as she came to the understanding that she was not in her own bedroom back at Sunfire Estate.

She tried to sit up, only to find that both of her arms refused to cooperate, jerking her back down in bed. She blinked a few times and then, slowly, panic began to sit in as she realized she couldn't move her arms! She glanced up at one and noted in horror that it was tied to a bedpost with what looked like a sheer, thigh-high stocking. She moaned again in pain and jerked her arm repeatedly, finally freeing herself from the silken restraint before reaching over to her other wrist. When she touched it, she froze in horror, her eyes looking up to find that it was not a stocking that restrained that arm, but a cold steel manacle that was connected to the other bedpost by a length of chain.

"What in the fel..." Kyliska murmured before she looked around the room, her horror rising further. She was clearly in an inn room somewhere in Silvermoon based on the furnishings and the gold and red motif of the room, but that was not the worst of it. She realized she was stark naked, covered only by a single sheer silken sheet. At the foot of the bed lay another stocking and what looked like a maid's uniform, albeit one that a real maid would never wear given that it likely would have covered about ten percent of her flesh should she actually don what could only be called an extremely slutty garment. She blinked a few more times, noting that there was a whip on the nightstand beside her, and a pair of heels laying on the floor that she wasn't sure she could have walked in while sober, let alone while she was as drunk as she suspected she was the evening before.

"What the fuck did I do last night..." she murmured, yanking at the manacle which refused to release her wrist.

She froze as she heard a noise, her eyes wide as she peered further into the room. There were two doors, one obviously leading out of the room and the other half-opened and leading into what was likely a bathroom or bathing area. Certainly steam was escaping through the opening, and the sound of water splashing and a male voice humming to himself could be heard from within. Kyliska felt her heard pounding as the realization that she'd cheated on Braeth'el sunk in, rage at herself mixing with heartache and the fear of the unknown elf in the next room.

A moment later the door was pulled open, steam escaping in a cloud and obscuring the figure who was walking out. Kyliska winced and then stared, waiting to see what kind of elf she'd ended up picking up at the bar who had obviously made her do all sorts of rather lewd things. She grit her teeth as the steam cleared, revealing...


He grinned at her, walking into the room clad only in a towel, the small bit of fabric hugging his waist and leaving his muscular chest bare. He paused at the foot of the bed, smirking at her as he stared down at her, "Good morning sleepy-head!"

"Braeth'el! W-what? How? It's...not what you think! I think..? What's going on?!" Kyliska sputtered.

Braeth'el grinned at her, walking around the edge of the bed and sitting down there, glancing at her and nodding, "Firstly, how do you feel right now? Were you frightened? Confused? Perhaps ashamed of what might have happened here?"

"I-I...y-yes. But I don't understand..." Kyliska trailed off. "Un-shackle me!"

"Oh I will," Braeth'el replied with a smile, "But first I think we should chat for a bit, hmmm? Firstly, nothing happened to you." He paused, reaching under the end of the bed and pulling out a dark black wig and what appeared to be a fake beard. He tossed them on the bed near her feet and laughed at her when she blushed. "You tried to 'pick up' a stranger. He took you to his room and, well, you threw up a few times and fell asleep. I did manage to read a few chapters of the book I've been trying to get through though, so thanks for the time needed to do that."

Kyliska's face turned beet red and she glared at him, "You...you tricked me! W-what..."

"Yes, I tricked you. Quite easily too," Braeth'el said. "Consider that for a moment. I tricked you here, and yet you think that I'm trying to 'trick' you when it comes to our relationship? What would be the purpose in that? Sex? Do you think I couldn't pick up women in a bar just like you can pick up men? No, there is no point or purpose in 'tricking' you about how I feel. While yes, your sister did order me to look after you, she never even once told me that I should attempt to seduce you. The first time we were together was because we both wanted to be together. It was not a mission, or an objective, or any sort of plan. I didn't plan any sort of relationship with anyone. It just happened and it's not something you can control or stop once it starts, nor do I regret it."

Kyliska continued to blush, looking guilty now, "I-I see...I....guess I owe you an apology..." She trailed off, her eyes wide as she realized what she'd almost done. "Oh fel...Braeth'el, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I almost..."

He held up a hand, nodding at her, "You need to learn that what we have is not what you had in the past, and you don't need to run off and drown yourself in alcohol the second something seems out of place or doesn't go your way. I'm here for you, through thick or thin. Even when you're acting like an ass or don't give me the time to explain a situation. I told you I would watch out for you, and that includes when you're mad at me, or when you think you're going to go get blasted in a bar and pick up a random stranger, much as it pains me to see you doing that."

Kyliska looked away, thoroughly embarrassed now, "I can't believe I did that. I haven't done anything like that since...since after Andi at the garrison."

"And that brings me to my second point," Braeth'el said. "Consider now where you are and who you are. You're Lady Sunfire. You just woke up in a random stranger's room. He didn't assassinate you fortunately, but it looks like he made you act like a common whore. Did he use magic to record that? Will he blackmail you? Your entire House, all of those who rely on you, could be affected by this. Do you want them seeing their Lady acting like that? Do you want to risk both your own welfare as well as the welfare of all of those who now depend on you? You need to start thinking about these things more carefully. I don't care if you're mad at me, mad at your sister or whatever. You can't let this sort of thing happen again. Drink at home and pass out in your own bed if you must, but don't let this happen again, if not for me, than for all the others who rely on you now. Do you understand?"

"I-I understand..." Kyliska said in a small voice. "I-I'm so sorry. I should have just talked to you. I was just so mad... I promise I'll try to never let this happen again." She paused, looking back over at him, "Do you forgive me? Will we....get through this..?"

Braeth'el smiled at Kyliska and nodded, "I love you Kyli, and I will forgive you for anything I think. When one sleeps with a raging fire in one's bed it stands to reason that you'll get burned now and then. I knew who and what you were before we began all of this, and I'm not trying to change you, just protect you."

Kyliska smiled at him, tears in her eyes as she responded, "I love you so much. I'm so lucky to have someone like you who really understands me."

He grinned at her and nodded, "Well, we can definitely agree on that!"

Kyliska sighed and glanced up at her wrist, "Now will you undo this shackle? It was embarrassing enough to wake up like this, but to have a whole conversation with my wrist bound is rather awkward wouldn't you say?"

Braeth'el's grin widened, "You always do somehow manage to get yourself captured, Kyli. But unfortunately, I don't think I can undo the shackle, not yet anyway...."

He rose from where he was sitting on the bed, his towel falling loose and settling on the carpet as he walked towards her, his freshly bathed muscles gleaming still with beads of water from the bath. Kyliska felt herself getting flush for an entirely different reason now, and she slumped against the shackle, looking up at him with a feigned demure expression, her voice playfully low now, "Oh...? Well how can I convince you to set me free...?"

As he drew near and their lips met, Kyliska's last thought was an affirmation of how lucky she truly was to have finally found someone who loved her for who she was. The room began to spin for her again, but this time it was much more pleasant as she felt her lover settle against her, and time seemed to stretch on forever.

It would be many hours before the two would return to Sunfire Estate, and for the rest of the day the staff would comment to one another just how absolutely happy the Lady Sunfire seemed to be and how she kept complimenting everyone she ran across. Certainly she was beginning to grow into her role as the noble ruler of House Sunfire, and everyone agreed it was a good thing.  

Friday, August 21, 2015

Links to the Past

The door to the old estate house had long since fallen to ruin, and Biara paused before it, her hopes dwindling as she examined the ruined structure. Lost deep in the now untamed forests of the Ghostlands, the estate had likely once been a magnificent Quel'dorei home that was now lost to time. That the structure had fallen during the scouring of Quel'Thalas was undoubted; the walls nearest to the entryway had arrow shafts still sticking from them when weapons had flown off course and the stones beneath the plaster were blackened with the marks of old spells and fires.

Despite the ruination before her, Biara took a deep breath and stepped through the opening, roaming deeper into the ruins. Although she expected that she would find only a sad tale long since lost, she knew that this estate, this address, was the last registered for the Lord and Lady Silverdawn after their marriage. If there were to be any clues as to the fate of Lirathel Dawnslight or her new husband, these ruins would contain them.

As she passed through the remains of the estate, Biara noted many rooms still contained their furnishings, although many were also destroyed. It appeared as if the inhabitants of the place had not had time to flee with their belongings, and several parts of the grounds had evidence of heavy fighting within the walls themselves. There were, of course, no bodies; there never were after a scourge attack.

Believing her best chance at finding clues would lie within the remains of the couple's personal quarters, Biara made her way carefully over fallen furnishings and half-collapsed walls, finding the larger master bedroom deeper within the place. As with the rest of the structure, it had long since been abandoned, although it was in less disarray when compared to the other rooms thanks to being so deep within the estate's walls.

With a whispered word of magic Biara conjured an orb before her, setting it to hover over her shoulder and illuminating the room. Strange shadows danced as her own silhouette was projected in front of her, but the light was sufficient to see a large bed, a closet with a door that hung open with various moldy old clothes laying before it, and several tables, chairs, and divans scattered about. One other piece of furniture immediately caught Biara's eye and she slowly walked towards the bed, her hand coming out to touch a sturdy chest that sat at the foot of it. Unmarked by battle, forgotten by time, the object had sat alone in the darkness for over a decade.

With a whisper of magic Biara unlocked the chest, lifting the lid up and peering within. As to be expected, it contained many much less moldy pieces of clothing, several of them fancy dresses or shoes that would be worn at formal events. Biara grinned when she pushed these aside and found a small wooden container that, once opened, revealed itself to be filled with documents. She whispered another spell, the magic seeking out traces of her own mother's touch, realizing that anything within the chest would have been written by Lirathel herself or perhaps her husband or captains.

Immediately one letter amongst the pile glimmered with magic, and Biara took it up, unfolding it and reading it slowly.

My Dearest Niece,
It has been too long since you have come to visit, although I can lay little fault for that in your lap. I understand why you and Lethas have become hermits in your woodland estate. Once, long ago, I found myself in the same position that you are in now. As I've told you in the past, the pressure to do what the family wishes is great and never-ending. Though you marry out of Dawnslight, the will of my own father as well as my brother will always beat down upon you, regardless of your house or name.

There are times when I wish I had taken the same course as you, my dear. When I wish I had just run with Tel'athar to the furthest reaches of Quel'Thalas to live in seclusion and simply enjoy our love for what it was. The chance to do that, the choice to do that, has long since passed for me however. I must play the part I was born to play, as must we all. Though you have escaped the pressure from your father for now, I fear any time you return to the city it will bear down upon you again. Enjoy what you have with Lethas, and worry not for me. It's not like disagreeing with our 'patriarch' from time to time will result in assassination attempts, right? We're all family, and these disagreements tend to come and go.

As for you, I wish you the happiest of times. Never did you look more radiant than on your wedding day. I will try to slip out to visit you whenever I may, as it is easier when Tel'athar is tending to business elsewhere in the kingdom. We will talk of magic and I will keep you up to date on what transpires in the city. Who knows, perhaps in the near future we will be discussing the coming of your first child if you and Lethas remain close and free of the political influences that can poison your love.

I will write again soon, Lirathel. Until then, remember I am here should you need me. Be well!
Aunt Seluna

Biara nearly dropped the letter, so surprised was she by the contents. Her mother had always been a cold, distant person even from her earliest memories of the magistrix. To see Seluna in such a way, to know that she once had hopes, dreams, and loves that must have been slowly poisoned and strangled out of her by the pressure of her family, was heart-wrenching. Biara found tears in her eyes and quickly wiped them away, folding the letter up and tucking it into a pouch on her belt.

She quickly searched through the remaining letters there, finding many that hinted at the pressure House Dawnslight would place on the young married couple, just as Seluna had implied in her own correspondence. Nothing else immediately jumped out as useful however, so Biara closed the chest and cast a spell over it, sealing it and marking it for one of her elementals to come and collect for further analysis back at Sunfire Estate.

She rose up, looking around the ruined bedroom and frowning; did Lirathel and Lethas meet their fates here? Were they, even now, walking as the tormented undead somewhere in the world? The thought was a disturbing one, for Biara had come to think fondly of her lost cousin and hoped that their tale ended in a happier place.

She shook her head, deciding that there may be additional clues elsewhere in the ruins. The bedroom would not have been a place used for a last stand after all! Quickly she began to search the other rooms, looking for clues as to what kind of battle had overtaken the estate and whether or not anyone had survived. Evidence would be scarce after such a long time, but even so there might be something she could locate that would help point her in the right direction.

A break-through came when she entered the main parlor, finding it in ruins but in a different manner from the rest of the building. Here all of the furniture had been pushed towards the doors, and furniture from other rooms had been dragged in and set as piles before several openings that lead to other parts of the estate. The door Biara entered had been forced open from the outside and bore much evidence of battle damage including arrow shafts and deep cuts and claw marks in the wood. It was clear that some sort of major battle had occurred in this room, and the floor was stained with the rot of old blood spilled long ago.

In the center of the ruined room stood a table, protected from the elements by the study walls and ceiling still standing over them. As Biara approached, she realized that the large document on top was a map, long since faded with time. Although she could barely make it out, it appeared to be of the estate grounds and surrounding forests, and many marks had been made on it conveying the location of what had likely been scourge forces. In the center of the map, a dagger was stuck through the document, pinning it to the wooden surface of the table. Biara reached out to touch it, the weapon falling free and pulling the map over with it. To Biara's surprise, a letter was revealed, pinned to the wooden table beneath the map and hidden from immediate view, likely intentionally.

Carefully Biara picked up the old letter, her heart racing as she recognized Lirathel's handwriting on it. She began to read, her eyes devouring the words on the page.

Captain Skylark,
We've held out here for as long as we can. There is no end in sight to the number of undead that assault these grounds from the forests around us. With Lethas out scouting, I rallied what soldiers we had on hand and even conscripted the servants to fight. I am proud to say we held this estate for more than a day, but it will all be in vain if we stay any longer.

I know that I promised I would wait for you and the other rangers to return before we left, but I cannot in good conscience keep our unarmed civilians in such danger for a moment longer. Lethas has just returned with his own men and reported that they have a clear route to the anchorage. We will abandon this post and flee for House Silverdawn's ship that is docked there. We're taking the remaining men and all of the servants and staff with us to safety. 

I pray you return before the noon sun and retrieve this missive, that you may join us in flight. If you do not but somehow return later, know that we will reunite with you at the properties that Lethas owns in the gardens of Silvermoon City. It is our hope that we can join with Silvermoon's main military forces and aid in the defense of our city. We will make that determination once we are out to sea and can find a place to safely anchor that is not overrun by the walking dead. 

Know that I will not forget you, nor the brave actions of your men. Know also that I will see your work complete and see these civilians to safety even if I must draw my last breath to do so. Farewell, Captain, and may the sun shine on your blade until there are no more foes to strike down.
Lady Lirathel Silverdawn

Biara found her hopes soaring as she read the letter, her eyes wide. Lirathel had been alive and well when she wrote the missive, and seemed to have a valid escape plan from the scourge threat! She might have survived! Biara quickly folded the letter back up and set it in her pouch with the first she'd found. Although there would be no way to trace the small force lead by Lirathel and Lethas after so much time had passed, she had mentioned Lethas's properties in Silvermoon. Biara had seen records of them, but had not searched there first as that part of the city was still in ruins and it had not been listed as their primary residence in the old census records she'd found.

Still, there was a chance that the couple had successfully fled, and if so, they may have done as Lirathel indicated and returned to that property to regroup. It was a good clue and something she could check relatively easily. She paused, glancing around at the rest of the ruined room. Although there could be more details here, they would likely be of Lirathel's life before the fall of Quel'Thalas and would not help Biara much in locating her. If the elf was still alive, she could tell Biara all about such times and about her relationship with Seluna as well.

"The word 'if' being the question of course," Biara murmured. With a nod of determination she brought her hands up, opening a portal to Silvermoon. It was time to move on to the next step of her investigation. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Joining

                The midday sun shone down brightly, its rays illuminating the courtyard. An errant breeze gusted through the warm summer air, setting the red and gold banners that had been placed around the courtyard fluttering and displaying their emblems. The breeze also stirred the clothes and robes of those present at the gathering, elegant silken garments stirring as their wearers stared intently at the dais that had been placed at one end of the courtyard or as they fanned themselves with decorative, jeweled hand fans.
                The focus of the gathering’s attention was on the figures standing atop the dais, the Sin’dorei there dressed even more elegantly and formally for the momentous occasion. Behind them and further beyond the dais rose the gleaming spire that had been a part of the Felo’melorn family for countless generations. The gate to the magnificent structure had been thrown open, allowing those in the newly constructed courtyard to see within. A matching gate now stood beside the first, bright ribbons crossing its opening and blocking access to the cleared space beyond.
                Kyliska Sunfire smiled, her face radiant as she stepped forward before the others. Dressed in a gorgeous red gown embroidered with golden threadwork, she looked nothing like her regular, plate-armored self that many had seen upon the battlefield. With her bleached blonde, nearly white hair held back by a golden tiara, she brought a carefully manicured hand up, waving at the crowd gathered before the platform. Those watching below offered polite applause as she smiled down on them.
                Standing beside Kyliska, Selenthiel Felo’melorn also smiled at those below, her own gown stunning and fit to match that of the Sunfire scion. With red and golden fabrics layered upon one another, it seemed as if she glided across the marble surface of the dais as she took her place beside Kyliska, her own hand coming up and waving down at those in the gathered crowd.
                Standing somewhat behind and to the left of Kyliska, Biara Dayfire smiled as well, watching the two nobles as they waved at the cheering crowd. With her flame red locks held up by golden pins and her wards glittering lightly in the sun, there was a certain air of relief and happiness in her eyes. She glanced across the dais, offering a smile and a polite nod to those who stood opposite from her.
                Tyavel saw the smile, offering only a slight nod of her head in acknowledgement as she returned her gaze to the two nobles before her. Wearing an enchanted, sea blue dress, she stood out amongst the others in a way that, to her, obviously showed her superiority. Magic practically radiated from the fabric of her clothing, her jewelry, and the ceremonial staff she held in her hand as she watched the proceedings. Every now and then she would shoot a disapproving glare at her brother Andithiel, who stood at her side.
                For his part, Andithiel did everything in his power to ignore the proceedings. Dressed in the bare minimum required for such a momentous court occasion, his hand rested constantly on the ceremonial sword his sister had insisted he wear at his belt. He frequently alternated between sighing, rolling his eyes, or glaring at Kyliska’s back as the ceremony began and the two nobles began to address the crowd below.
                “Brothers and sisters of Quel’Thalas,” Kyliska began, her voice booming out across the marble space before her. “Citizens of our proud nation; I welcome you to a momentous occasion. To a new dawning for Quel’Thalas and for those Sin’dorei whose lives are pledged in service to our great realm.”
                The crowd cheered, and Kyliska’s smile beamed down at them as she waited for it to die down a bit before continuing, “For many years, strife has divided our peoples. The fall of our realm brought a darkness here that we each had to face in our own way. Houses rose and fell, nobles bickered bitterly about what the right course was and how we would survive. We made mistakes, wrong turns, and narrowly avoided disaster many times along the way. But we survived! We triumphed before all of the odds stacked against us! We rose up to the challenge and we live and breathe today in a realm that is secure and slowly seeing a rebirth of its greatness!”
                The crowd cheered loudly, applause ringing out. Behind the group, Biara smiled, admiring the way her sister had expertly spoken the speech that she had written for her, grinning a few times as Kyliska allowed the passion she felt for the topic to seep into her voice; her sister was an excellent orator when she had the proper motivation and encouragement!
                As the crowd settled again, Kyliska continued, this time speaking from her heart, her fist raised high in the air above her, “No longer will we stand divided! No longer will we face our enemies alone, for today, here and now, you will see that the differences of the past can be set aside and that those who truly envision a brighter future tomorrow can stand side by side, united as one! Today two Houses are joined together; not by arranged marriage, not by political intrigue, but by the common goal of making a better, safer future for Quel’Thalas. Today House Sunfire and House Felo’melorn join together, each becoming a stronger part of the whole as we face the challenges of tomorrow!”
                The crowd roared again, and this time Kyliska turned and smiled at Selenthiel, gesturing for her to speak her part. The Sin’dorei priestess dipped her head, a smile crossing her own face as she waited for the crowd to grow still again, “As Kyliska has said, today we begin a new chapter, a new future for both houses. Today, as we unite our forces under one banner, we create the tools needed to heal the Sin’dorei and to make them stronger. As Lady Sunfire is the sword and shield which we will take up to defend our people, so too are those of House Felo’melorn the battlements and armor which shelter our people from the darkness beyond. Together we are stronger. Together we are the hand that heals and the hand that strikes down those who oppose the Sin’dorei. Today we join in common purpose, and seal a pact between two bloodlines who will become as one forever more.”
                The crowd cheered loudly and Kyliska smiled at Selenthiel before gesturing behind her. From behind the dais Braeth’el marched forward, his rugged form clad in a ceremonial red and gold jacket that did little to detract from just how powerful he was. With deliberate, ceremonial steps he approached the two nobles, bearing before him a flat golden tablet and two rune-tipped wands. The blank golden face of the tablet glimmered in the light, the surface having been polished to an elegant shine. Braeth’el smiled as he bowed before the two nobles, extending the tablet before him and offering the wands to the two.
                Kyliska took up her wand first, its tip inscribed with the rune of House Sunfire and created by Tyavel for the event. As soon as she did, Selenthiel took up her own wand, its tip inscribed with the rune of House Felo’melorn and created by Biara. Kyliska smiled and nodded at Selenthiel, her voice carrying back out over the crowd, “Today we join as one! Today, House Sunfire grows tenfold!”
                She plunged her wand forward, the tip sparking against the tablet as magic flared from it. Selenthiel followed suit a moment later, the magic joining with that already present from Kyliska’s wand and creating a bright flare of power. Together the wands burned an emblem into the tablet, the symbol of House Sunfire being slightly modified to represent the inclusion of the Felo’melorn family into the line. As the magic flared and then faded, Braeth’el held the tablet up before him even as guards behind him unfurled two twin banners from the entrances of the gates behind them. The emblems depicted were of two spires with a fiery sun between them, two burning, crossed swords covering the center of the emblem, joining House Sunfire and House Felo’melorn together forever more as one.
                The crowd went wild once the banners were unfurled and fluttered in the breeze behind them. As the cheering intensified, Kyliska gestured and a battalion of Sin’dorei soldiers marched forth from one of the courtyard’s side entrances. The pounding of their armored boots echoed loudly through the courtyard, and the crowd continued to cheer and yell as Kyliska smiled. She held up her hand, and one of the leading soldiers blew a note on a trumpet, bringing the soldiers to a halt. Kyliska nodded at Selenthiel, gesturing towards the men, “Lady Sunfire, I present to you the First Sunfire Battalion; your personal guard.”
                Selenthiel offered Kyliska a polite courtesy and then brought her own hand up. Behind the group, and number of well-dressed Sin’dorei craftsmen appeared, carrying with them a pair of ceremonial scissors made of pure gold. Selenthiel walked forward, stepping down from the dais and taking up the scissors in her hands. With a flourish she cut the ribbons that had been across the second gateway, allowing access to the space beyond, “Lady Sunfire, I present to you the groundbreaking for the second of House Sunfire’s spires, where you will live in comfort within the city of Silvermoon itself.”
                Kyliska offered Selenthiel a courtesy of her own before bringing her hands up to address the crowd before them. It took many minutes for the yelling and cheering to subside enough for her to speak, and when she did her voice echoed powerfully across the silence, “From this day forth, let it be known that Selenthiel, Tyavel, and Andithiel Felo’melorn are now of House Sunfire. The pact is sealed! Come and join us in celebration my friends!”
                The crowd roared and Kyliska offered them a playful wink before slipping from the dais, she and Selenthiel walking past the cut ribbons and into the open space beyond where a party would be held that evening. The next day the groundbreaking for House Sunfire’s second spire would begin in earnest, and the consolidation of the two families would continue for months to come. It was a joyous moment that even Tyavel enjoyed, knowing that her family had secured the best route to more power and prestige in the days to come. If anyone noticed that Andithiel had slunk off to sulk after the ceremony was over, no one mentioned it, the wine, music, and dancing driving such concerns away until the dawn of the next day.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Link to the Past

                The door to the storage room was stuck fast with rust, dust, and the age of time. The guard standing in front of Biara shot her an apologetic smile as he jingled the key in the lock, forcing it slowly so as not to snap the implement before finally getting it to turn. Once the portal was unlocked, he strained against the wooden barrier for a moment before managing to free it from where it had stuck in the doorframe, yanking it open and exposing the dusty storage room beyond.
                “This is where we found the chest, my Lady,” the guard said, pointing into the room. “You can see it there standing beside that stack of barrels. We’ve checked most of the other items in the room and they’re just old weapons, covered pieces of furniture, or military supplies long since forgotten and likely not of any use anymore.”
                “Thank you. I’d like some time to examine the chest alone if you wouldn’t mind,” Biara said to the guard.
                “Of course, Lady Dayfire. If you need anything I’ll be at the post up the hall,” the guard replied before bowing deeply and leaving the room.
                Biara waited for the guard to depart before walking slowly into the musty storage chamber. The room had been sealed off for some time, and it was clear that it had once been used to store a variety of older items that House Dawnsea had intended to save but had no real use for. There were a few areas of Sunfire Estate that had yet to be cleared out, and this particular chamber had been discovered during one such effort. Unlike many of the others however, this one had an item in it that was of particular interest, and Biara had been called to come and examine it.
                The chest stood just where the guard had indicated it would be, and Biara found herself approaching it with a mix of anxiety and curiosity. Slowly she sank down to her knees before it, leaning forward to examine the object. Made of some imported, highly polished wood with golden metal brackets along each corner and a golden lock, it had accumulated decades of dust as a result of being shut away for so long. Biara found herself reaching out to touch it, her hand running across the wood and gold and wiping the dust away from a plate upon the front of it above the magical lock-ward. There, inscribed in the gold, were the two letters S.D.
                “Selun’athiel Dawnslight,” Biara whispered softly, her mother’s name coming to her lips unbidden.
                Carefully, Biara reached out with her other hand and placed it upon the chest as well. Her fel green eyes slipped closed as she focused on the object, checking for any latent magics within it before uttering the words to a spell. There was a brief flash of light on her fingertips and then a click as the chest opened, her spell having breached the primitive locking spell that had kept it closed. Taking a deep breath, Biara opened her eyes and pushed the lid of the chest upwards, revealing the container’s contents.
                It was, to put it mildly, anticlimactic. Biara was greeted with the sight of folded, bundled clothes, a neatly tied stack of papers with some additional letters and envelopes that were piled atop the stack, and what appeared to be a small jewelry box that likely contained jewelry her mother had not liked enough to keep in her own chambers. Biara shook her head and sighed; clearly she had been called from her work for something that the guards could likely have handled, but even so it had been wise for them to call her and she was not angry with them. With Selun’athiel, one never knew what she’d hidden amongst her things and it was never wise to risk being struck by an errant spell if one could help it.
                Biara leaned forward, gathering up some of the bundled clothing and removing it from the chest. As she did so, she noted that they appeared to be long out of style and were likely quite old. They were also rather fancy, as if clothing one would wear to a prestigious event or major formal gathering. Biara grinned at this, the thought of her mother enjoying anything other than magic and destruction at odds with her last memories of the elf.
                Setting the clothing aside, Biara picked up the stack of tied papers, intent on reaching the jewelry box at the bottom of the chest. As she did so, several letters fell free from the top of the pile, landing on the stone floor beside her and opening. Biara set the stack of papers she was holding down and glanced at those that had fallen, her eyes wide. Gently so as not to damage the old parchment, she reached down, picking up the first that had fallen and examining it.
                It was a beautifully made invitation, the words inked in gold and done in beautiful calligraphy, the corners of the invitation having a golden trim with an artistic design depicting entwined roses. Biara read the words aloud, the weight of passing time heavy in the room.
                You are cordially invited to attend a most blessed union bringing together two Houses in a time of love and peace. House Silverdawn extends its invitation to the Lord Tel’athar Dayfire and Lady Selun’athiel Dayfire on the third Sunday of the midsummer festival to witness the joining of the Lady Lirathel Dawnslight and Lord Lethas Silverdawn in the sacred bond of marriage.
                The festivities will begin at the second hour of noon on this day, with the ceremony occurring at the setting of the sun. Please join us in our celebration on the Isle of Quel’Danas, and let us share with you our love and joy.
                Biara finished reading the document and set it down, the names meaning little to her other than the fact that House Dawnslight was her mother’s original family before she wed. Clearly this was a wedding for some distant relative on her mother’s side that had happened many years before. Biara set the invitation down, seeing that it had directions to the party attached to it on a second, equally well made card.
There was a third piece of parchment sandwiched between them however that made one of Biara’s eyebrows shoot up. She reached down and gently picked it up, unfolding it with care and exposing what appeared to be a blank page. Biara smiled, her senses detecting an old and fading, latent spell hidden on the paper. It was one that she was familiar with, her mother having taught her about such things at a very young age. She breathed a word of magic, and the page lit up brightly as the spell was exposed, words flaring into existence in bright blue arcane letters before her. She began to read, her curiosity piqued.

Dear Aunt Seluna,
                I can’t believe it’s finally happening! He’s finally asked for my hand and we’re to be married! All of my hopes and dreams have come true, and it is in part because of all that you have done for me. I know that Father and some of the others think we are too young and should wait, but I know in my heart that this is right and I can’t thank you enough for speaking with him about the matter.
                Lethas and I have reserved a place of honor for you at the ceremony. You’re to be in the very front row, befitting your great role in my life and as a thank you for everything. I wanted to include this letter to say these things to you personally in the event that we’re too busy at the ceremony. As you can see, I’ve also been practicing the magic spells that you have taught me. Although I will likely never be as talented as you are or as we both hope your daughter will become, it means the world to me that you have taken the time to show me even this little bit of the art. Please let me know if you see anything that I can improve with my spells, as I am eager to learn more!
                We have begun our preparations for the ceremony already, and I think you will be impressed with our first dance and also with the gown that I have selected. I took your advice on the design and made use of the tailor that you had recommended and I am thrilled with the results. I can’t wait to see Lethas’s face when he sees me in it!
                Anyway, I do not wish to use up too much of your time as I know you are very busy with your own affairs, but I had to include this letter with the invitation. Again, thank you for everything you have done. You have helped my dreams to come true and my heart to soar. I will see you at our ceremony and, of course, continue to write. Be well, Aunt Seluna!
With love,
               Biara set the letter down gently, stunned by what she had read. Obviously Selun’athiel Dayfire had not always been the twisted, dark creature that she’d become after she was touched by Scourge magic, but to see this other side of her and to recall that she had once been a living, breathing person who had feelings and relationships was like being doused with cold water. Memories of her mother flowed through Biara’s mind, and she felt tears in her eyes as she recalled what had been and what had come later when her mother fell to darkness.
                Wiping at her eyes, Biara looked down at the letter again before turning to look through the piles of paper that had been in the chest. Try as she might, she could find no other correspondence from a Lirathel within the paperwork, and no further clues about this distant relative were provided when she re-read the letter. The thought that the girl had adored Selun’athiel and had even been grateful for things that she’d done gave Biara pause and made her wish to know more. Unfortunately, decades of time had passed between the joyous penning of this letter and the current day, and it was likely that the darkness that had befallen Quel’Thalas had washed all away with it.
                Biara shook her head, looking into the chest and finding the jewelry box that she’d originally been seeking. Gently she opened it, finding within it not jewelry as she’d expected, but an orb. Eyes wide, she held it up before her, breathing magic into it and watching as it began to glow. Within the murky depths images appeared, fuzzy at first as the latent spells re-ignited but growing clearer. They were images of a grand ceremony and of elves dancing and enjoying their time together as the sun sank over Quel’Danas. Biara saw within the images many glimpses of her mother and father together, some of them captured poses of groups of nobles long since dead smiling and looking up as if to peer out of the orb. But throughout it all, and featured amongst all of the many images were those of a red-haired beauty in a gleaming gold and white dress, a fine young noble at her side as she waved or smiled happily at the crowd. Image after image of her appeared, and Biara knew beyond a doubt that she stared at a ghost from the past, the young Quel’dorei having the same coloring and hair color as her mother’s own.
                She stared at one of the images, the elf’s young face burned into her mind, her smiled framed by flowing red locks and bright blue eyes shining with joy staring out of the orb from a time long since forgotten. Here was one of Biara’s blood. A cousin she’d never even really known, swept away in the events of the past.
                Biara sighed and set the orb down gently in its box. She closed the lid and gathered it and the invitation with its attached letter up, holding them close. Although she was likely to find nothing more than ruins or a lonely grave long since abandoned, Biara found herself filled with an insatiable curiosity to discover what had befallen the young noble and her new marriage. Had they survived the Scourge invasion? Did they live now with House Silverdawn, wherever that family resided, or perhaps with House Dawnslight? Did this elf still live, and could she speak more about the past that would uncover more of Selun’athiel’s life than perhaps Biara herself knew?
                Regardless of what had happened, there would be some clues available, and Biara decided she would follow up on it. Two Houses did not have young heirs marry without leaving some record behind in Silvermoon’s archives, and it was amongst the old legal documents that Biara would find clues as to where the couple went next, and whether or not they still lived perhaps. With a smile, she hurried from the storage room, quite literally carrying the past in a bundle in her arms.