A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Bloodlines: Part 3- Worthy Blood

Kyliska rushed through the spire, passing panicked guards who were frantically scrambling to get into position. Her sword rattled loosely on her back, the peace-straps undone in the event that she'd need to draw it quickly. Although she hadn't had time to don her armor, she'd at least thought to snatch up the weapon in the chaos that had erupted higher within the structure.

As she dashed around a final bend and shoved her way through two of Biara's protesting apprentices, she clenched her teeth in frustration. Biara had suddenly and without warning ordered House Sunfire forces into security lock-down on the upper floors of the spire that Selenthiel had constructed for the sisters to use. Armed Sin'dorei patrolled the halls, looking suspiciously at everyone and there was a tension in the air. That Biara had not consulted Kyliska before issuing such an order only meant that she expected trouble, but she'd not taken the time to even mention what it might be to her sister.

Kyliska knew that there had been a recent attempt on Biara's life, and Braeth'el had told her privately that Biara was extremely angry, but she had only sparse details to work with and had other, very important missions that she was in the midst of planning. Assassination attempts were not uncommon but this one had apparently been different. While Braeth'el had warned that Biara had taken it personally, Kyliska had perhaps paid less heed than she should have to the situation.

She dashed down one final hallway, her green eyes quickly noting that a magical barrier had been erected at the end of the corridor that lead towards Astariel's rooms. The entire pathway in that direction was completely inaccessible, and grim-faced apprentices stood behind the barrier with drawn wands. Kyliska cataloged this fact in her head as she pushed open a closed door and burst into Biara's private quarters only to skid to a stop a moment later, a hand coming up to shield her eyes.

Biara stood in the center of her bed chamber, her hands in the air above her and magic flashing on her fingertips. Howling arcane energies spun around her, tearing at the fabric of space before her. Her voice droned on, chanting some incomprehensible words of magic as she worked at opening what appeared to be a portal in the middle of her room. As Kyliska watched, a hole started to form before the Magistrix. As soon as it had, purple crackling lightning flared around it, completely covering the hole and burning small divots in the marble floor of Biara's bedchambers. The hole began to collapse on itself, the magic sputtering out soon after. The howling arcane energies subsided, a gust of wind briefly scattering papers and fluttering the drapes of the windows as well as the hem of Biara's dress as her hands fell to her side.

"Biara! What are you doing?! Why did you lock down the spire?" Kyliska practically shouted. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to meet with you to discuss things but you need to talk to me before you do...whatever it is you're doing!"

Biara shot her sister a look that contained a sea of seething wrath in it, although she could tell it was directed elsewhere. Her voice was flat with repressed rage when she responded, "It is a family affair and something that has long since been overdue. Things cannot stand the way they are now, even if it means my life. I cannot involve you in this and I ask you to step back so that you aren't injured."

"Step back...?" Kyliska began. Even as she started to speak, Biara's hands came up again, magical energies directed at the door of her closet. The portal burst open, the door having been yanked by arcane forces. Clothes practically spewed out, dresses, shoes, slips, and nightgowns scattering everywhere. Biara's hands gestured in a dragging motion towards her, and the sound of something heavy sliding within the closet could be heard right before a heavy wooden trunk slid out into the center of the room, skidding to a halt at Biara's feet. Kyliska blinked in surprise, her eyes wide; Biara almost never used her magic to perform menial tasks like moving furniture. Her spells were almost always reserved for battle, protection, or research and her behavior was completely out of character. "A-are you alright? W-what's going on? You can't just leave me in the dark...."

Biara shot her sister another glance and then stalked across her room to her nightstand. She swept a blade up in her hand, the weapon igniting with fire as the spellblade activated, "I am not alright, and will never be alright until the past is put to rest once and for all. They tried to take my life, my daughter's life. This ends. Now. Go back to Braeth'el and to managing the House. There are some things that I must do alone."

"Biara, wait...." Kyliska began, but her sister would have none of it. Biara stalked back across the room, her heels pounding loudly on the stone as she brought the spellblade up. In one sweeping motion the weapon came down, sheering off the top of the trunk and sending burning bits of paper scattering across the room. Biara tossed the spellblade down and reached into the trunk, picking up an old and dusty box from within it. She opened it, taking an object from it before casting the box on the floor. To Kyliska's horror, she saw an inscription on the box as she glanced down at it and then back up at her sister.

Selun'athiel Dawnslight

"Biara! Wait! We need to talk about this, to plan whatever it is you mean to do!" Kyliska shouted.

Biara ignored Kyliska for a moment, holding the object she'd taken from the box up. It was a golden ring, the band inscribed with runes and the seal of House Dawnslight. Kyliska knew without a doubt it had belonged to Biara's mother long ago. "The time for waiting, for planning is over. If they will deny entry to a Magistrix of Silvermoon, then I will tear my way into their fortress by whatever means necessary," Biara replied as she slipped the ring on her finger.

Biara's hands came up, magic sparking around her as she began her spell again. Howling winds circled the room, scattering the clothing and ruined papers from within the trunk. Kyliska took a step back, watching with wide eyes as Biara stood in the center of a maelstrom of power, her red hair dancing like snakes and her dress fluttering around her body. Biara's hands rose above her head, her voice practically shouting the words to her spell now, the hole tearing in space before her once more. Again purple lightning began to crackle before the Magistrix in what Kyliska realized were wards designed to stop someone from opening a portal to wherever Biara was going. This time though, Biara was prepared, her hand coming out, the ring presented seal-first towards the portal. When Biara spoke, Kyliska felt her blood run cold.

"I, Biara'thiel Dayfire, daughter of Selun'athiel Dayfire of House Dawnslight, demand entry. Let no ward bar the heir of her blood, by her seal and bond."

The purple energies crackled again, slamming into the ring on Biara's finger before being absorbed by the talisman. Instantly the portal tore open, the raging wards breaking apart as Biara used Selun'athiel's own seal to break into what Kyliska knew could only be her mother's ancestral home. Darkness loomed through the portal and Biara bent down, sweeping up her spellblade. She shot Kyliska one last, long look before she stepped into the portal and the raging magic swallowed her.

An instant later the room fell silent, burnt papers fluttering to the ground as the winds died down, leaving Kyliska alone to wonder if she had just lost her sister for good.


The throne room of House Dawnslight crackled as raging magic tore open a hole in space and time within the center of the room. On his throne, the decrepit Lord of the House blinked in surprise, watching as the portal solidified into a perfect oval and then disgorged a flame-haired Sin'dorei whose eyes blazed with the anger of decades. As he sat up in his seat and his courtesans cowered behind the marble throne, the newly arrived Magistrix brought her spellblade up, power surging as flames danced along its edge. Throughout the spire, the clatter of warning spells could be heard as discordant bells, warning the occupants that the wards of the structure had been forcibly breached by unknown assailants.

The chandeliers and magical lights within the throne room burst into flaming light, the brightness driving away shadows that had lingered within the hall for decades. As the Lord of the House blinked at the sudden brightness, Biara turned, a hand coming out and freezing cold energies shooting from her fingertips, bathing the double doors to the room with ice and sealing them shut. Pounding could be heard from without as guards attempted to forced their way through a barrier that was now firmly sealed for several hours, leaving the Lord alone with a very angry Magistrix.

Biara brought her sword up again, pointing it at the throne's occupant, her voice ringing loudly throughout the room, "Lord Tyvanis Dawnslight, Lord of House Dawnslight and all of its holdings, I hereby order your arrest. By my authority as a Magistrix of Quel'Thalas, I charge you with attempted murder of a public figure, attempted murder of a child, intent to cause damage to the properties of the Magistrate, and disturbance of the peace. You are ordered to surrender and by the Sunwell I very much hope that you choose to resist because I would like nothing more than to burn you alive where you sit."

For a moment, the room fell silent as its occupants took in the declaration. After a moment, a smile crept across the ancient face of Tyvanis Dawnslight. His voice was a hoarse croak as he spoke, the sound like sand on stones, "Granddaughter, you have come at last. Long have I awaited this moment."

Biara stiffened, the blade in her hand flickering with flames, "You will address me as the Magistrix Biara Dayfire. Descend from your throne that I may drag you before the Magistrate or die where you sit."

Lord Tyvanis's grin widened, and he let out a hacking laugh that turned into a cough. It took several moments for him to recover and once he did, he very slowly began to rise from his seat, his arms trembling as he pushed himself up and began to descend the stone steps of the dais one by one. He spoke as he walked, eyeing Biara over critically, "It is rare to see such boldness. You come here, alone and without support. You have breached wards which have stood for thousands of years, wards which even Scourge attackers could not penetrate fully. You have survived where others would tear you down. I am impressed, Granddaughter."

Biara glared at the old Sin'dorei as he moved slowly down to the floor before her, "I do not care how you feel. I am not here to connect with you or to mend the decades of distance between us. At long last I have reason to take you down, to claim some small piece of vengeance for what you did. You killed my father, and now you will pay for what you have tried to do to me. So speak not of your feelings, wretch. This is over."

Lord Tyvanis laughed again, beginning to slowly shuffle across the room. Biara kept her gaze firmly on him, her weapon leveled at him at all times, "You come alone, but do you come prepared? Do you believe that my throne room is so easily breached?"

Biara tilted her head, her eyes closing as she instantly came on guard. She sensed magic around her that she'd not noticed in her anger. With a grim smile she shouted a word, her power directed at a gem on the old elf's throne. A spell was stolen, and instantly Biara faded into invisibility, a second spell leaving three illusionary copies of herself behind. As the invisibility claimed Biara, it faded from the three mages that the old Lord had kept hidden. They looked surprised as they were unmasked, their half finished spells flaring to life and flashing across at where Biara stood. The only problem was, they were now aiming at illusions instead of the real thing, and their bolts of icy magic passed through the copies harmlessly while not so harmlessly striking their fellow casters. In an instant there were three loud thuds followed by the clatter of three senseless mages falling to the marble floor.

A moment later Biara reappeared, her blade again leveled at the old lord, "I will add a charge of resisting arrest to the list, Lord Dawnslight. Surrender now before you try my patience any further."

Lord Tyvanis shuffled over to a small column that was set in the floor beside his throne. It rose to waist height, and a column of light shone down upon it from one of the newly illuminated chandeliers. Biara watched the old elf cautiously as he leaned on it, seemingly innocuous papers strewn atop it's smooth surface. He looked at Biara, studying her again, "Proud, smart, strong, beautiful like your mother. It is no wonder you have come so far. You come from good stock, from my blood, so it only stands to reason."

Biara's chin tilted up and she glared at the old lord, offended beyond reason at being sized up like prize livestock, "I am nothing like you. I am the daughter of Tel'athar, and I understand the concept of honor. There is none to be found here, and if you do not comply with my order immediately I will cut you down where you stand. I have waited years for this moment."

"Ah, Tel'athar," Lord Tyvanis began. "There were mistakes made in the past. The handling of Tel'athar was not the only one. A life cannot be entirely perfect, no matter how hard one strives. I regret that I could not come to some agreement with Tel'athar, but he stood in the way of the progress of this House. That is neither here nor there though, for you did not come here about the past, but about the present, isn't that right, Granddaughter?"

"Yes, you attempted to have me killed, and in your failure have finally given me leeway to seek your head," Biara said coldly. "You should have tried harder, not that you would have succeeded."

Lord Tyvanis laughed again, his hacking cough echoing through the room, "T'wasn't me that did the deed, Granddaughter, but it was not entirely unexpected. Your relatives seek favor in my eyes, seek a place within the hierarchy here. They seek the wealth and power of this place, of this throne. Power they shall never have because they are not fit to hold it."

"You lie," Biara responded flatly.

"Truth is a malleable thing, fit to tell the tale one wants to tell," Lord Tyvanis replied. "You should know this lesson better than anyone as a Magistrix. The name of the perpetrator means little at the moment, for it is you that are the important thing here. You have proven yourself to be quite capable; far more capable than I'd ever imagined. Far braver, bolder, more skilled with magic than those within this spire, for you breached their every defense."

"Enough!" Biara shouted, beginning to stalk towards the old lord. "Your words mean nothing! This ends right now. You are coming with me, through a portal, to face justice for what you've done or for what you've allowed to go on within your house!"

Lord Tyvanis grinned, his decrepit old hand darting forward and taking up a feathered quill before him. Before Biara could reach him, the implement had come down onto the papers on the stone pillar, ink magically applied to the document. Biara paused as power flared, the papers rising before the old lord and seemingly doubling and then tripling before her eyes. Warily she watched as two rolled themselves up and popped out of existence, the third flying towards her and landing at her feet. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Pick it up, Granddaughter. You are a Magistrix so you know there is no trick here," Lord Tyvanis replied.

Hesitantly, Biara bent down, her eyes never leaving the lord as her free hand clasped the parchment. It was free of magic, and she quickly snatched it up before leveling her sword at him again. With a flick of her wrist she unrolled the document, seeing endless lines of legal text in Thalassian appearing before her. She quickly began to scan the paper, her eyes widening in horror as she read.

Lord Tyvanis grinned, his voice soft as he mockingly intoned what Biara was reading on the parchment, "I, Lord Tyvanis Dawnslight, lord of House Dawnslight for these centuries past, being of sound mind if not body, do hereby declare that my legal heir and inheritor shall be the Magistrix Biara Dayfire, daughter of Tel'athar Dayfire and Selun'athiel Dawnslight, blood of my blood."

The parchment fell from nerveless fingers, fluttering to the marble floor as Biara stared at Lord Tyvanis in disbelief, "You....you've named me your heir....but...I don't understand. I hate you. I want no part of you or your House."

"Your feelings matter not a bit to me, Granddaughter," Lord Tyvanis snapped, his eyes flaring with anger. "I have spent centuries building up this House, my legacy. I have fought in wars, bled for the people of these lands. There was a time when I could almost reach the throne itself, when Kings held court here. All of this, all of it, will go to waste if an heir claims my properties that is unfit. If one of the sniveling, pompous, incompetent blood heirs of this House gain my position, it will all go to waste and I will not have that."

"I will never rule House Dawnslight in your place. Never!" Biara shouted back in his face. Her blade came up, level with him once more. "I would see it all burned to ash before I do that."

Lord Tyvanis chuckled, the sound mocking, "Oh really? You would let a massive pile of resources that could benefit the Sin'dorei go to waste? You would throw away all of the magical artifacts, all of the apprentices and research we've done here? I know more of you than you think, Granddaughter. There are innocent Sin'dorei lives that work for and serve this House that know nothing of intrigue or plots. They work and get their coin and food and live their simple lives in the muck beneath us. You would crush all of their hopes? Shatter their livelihoods and throw them to the wolves simply because you hate me? Please, you will do nothing of the sort."

"Then I will cut you down where you stand and another will inherit!" Biara nearly shrieked.

"This document has already been filed with the Magistrate. If you touch me, if anything happens to me, you will instantly inherit my title," Lord Tyvanis said, his tone slightly more gentle now. "The fact that you are fighting this means that I have made the right choice actually. Not that you had not already proven that with your entry here. You are my heir, and will have to come to terms with that fact. Jail me, slay me, and you inherit. Walk away and one of the snakes that slithers these corridors will strike at you just in case. Name another and they will still need to eliminate you, lest you change your mind and claim your legal rights. You have no recourse, Granddaughter. Your fate is sealed."

Biara shuddered, rage flowing through her like fire. Her grandfather's words rang true however; everything he said would come to pass if she struck at him now. She would need to undo what he'd done first, despite her seething hatred and personal interest in taking vengeance on the one who she knew had had her father killed all those years before. To one who may have just tried to have her killed for some twisted test of her worthiness. She clamped down on her anger, controlling it tightly lest she strike the old elf down in a fit of rage. When she spoke again, her voice was as cold as ice, "There is one thing you are forgetting, Grandfather."

"And what is that, my heir?" Lord Tyvanis said with a mocking grin.

Biara slipped around the column, her free hand coming out and grasping his wrist. Pain the likes of which he'd not felt in decades traveled up his arms as flames seemed to dance from her fingertips. It felt like he was being burned alive, and yet the fires did not blacken and curl the skin. Biara leaned close, her face inches from his, her voice a promising whisper, "You don't have to die to be made to pay. Our time is limited for now as I need to consider what it is you've done, but pray that a time doesn't come when I have more time to...discuss matters with you."

She released his arm and he gasped in pain as she shoved him away. He stumbled, falling to the marble and wheezing as he tried to catch his breath, staring up in shock at the raging Magistrix. She looked down at him as one might stare at an insect, all compassion fled from her eyes, "I will return, and when I do, you will beg for death before the end. Farewell for now, Grandfather. This is not over."

With that she whirled, storming away from the fallen Lord Tyvanis, her voice barking out words of magic as she tore a second hole in space before her. A moment later she was gone, leaving the wheezing old lord and his cowering courtesans alone in the throne room.

As he watched the shimmering magic in the air fade from where Biara had left, Lord Tyvanis grinned, his voice a whisper to no one.

"A perfect choice."  

Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Last Stolen Moment

((This story was co-written between myself and the player of Prince Whitedawn. All conversation occurred within World of Warcraft and is being shared with the permission of both players.))

Walking down the golden streets of Silvermoon, Biara paused as she saw a familiar figure approaching atop his hawkstrider. She waves at the mounted elf, her voice carrying as she speaks, "Prince! I've been looking for you."
Prince offers a wave to the woman, "Oh hey, Lady Biara! You have? Can't imagine why." He smirks, dismounting and sending his hawkstrider off to the nearby patch of grass.
Biara nods, looking a little wane and not as graceful as she might normally, "I have. I need to speak with you urgently. I thought you'd be at the spire assisting Selenthiel, but when I looked you were not there and-.... it’s not important, I've found you."
Prince smiles profoundly, "Well, here I am. I've been busy between protecting sample-getters and House Myr'Draeval. I actually am late on my latest report to Lady Selenthiel. What did you need?" He asks, all attentive to her.
Biara steps closer, glancing around and lowering her voice, "I wasn't aware you were working for other Houses or of your other duties. I'm sorry, maybe I should have asked what else you've been doing besides working for Selenthiel."
Prince chuckles, "House Myr'Draeval belongs to Lady Meios Myr'Draeval. It's small, and that’s where I stay most nights. Freeloading, if you will. I suggested training some recruits to bolster its defenses should she become a political figure." He paused for a moment. "Much like you are, or rather.. used to be? I don't know. I have to become acquainted with the rest of your House to find out for myself if you're as prominent as you used to be. And if it's anything like that sparring match we had last time we met, then you're still as competent as ever. Maybe even more." He gave a sincere smile.
Biara shakes her head, her hand almost reaching out to touch Prince, "No, no you were right, Prince. My skills are honed from battle, but I can't do this anymore, not like this. When we spoke, did you mean the things you said? That you'd watch over me? Did they have feelings behind them, or were they just pleasantries you exchanged with me?"
Prince raises a brow at her words, "Of course I meant that I'd watch out for you. We may not be  'together' but that doesn't mean I can't try and protect you, I mean, it's not like I.." He cut off, thinking for a moment. "Oh. shit. I forgot to tell you..." He smacks his forehead, feeling like an idiot. "I have no idea how you're going to take this, so... can you try not to freak out? No magic spells, no violent outbursts?.."
Biara frowns, tilting her head, "I...wouldn't do that to you? I'm not the same person you knew from long ago. I've been through things that have changed my perspective. You can tell me anything you need to tell me."
Prince winces a bit at her words, "Are you sure?... My news may be potentially destructive." He puts his hands up slightly, in defense.
“Please, don't play games with me, not now. Just say what you need to say. I've much I have to tell you myself,” Biara responded.
Prince sighs heavily, "I'm engaged to be wed." He says to her, feeling the weight of his words as he speaks them to her. Knowing deep down, it would hurt if even a little. How was he to remember this stuff? He had been so busy lately, it's not like it just comes up in random conversation. "I didn't think to tell you, because I never thought I'd cross paths with you or your House again. But, I've changed in some ways too, and it's what has led me on the path I tread." He looks down, then back up. "But I did mean what I said. About protecting you. About aiding you in whatever needs to be aided in."
Biara looks startled for a moment, her eyes going wide. Her lip trembles and she shakes slightly. She takes a deep breath, quite obviously choking back some undefined emotion, "I-I...t-that is wonderful news. I'm s-so happy for you, Prince. I'm sure you will make a wonderful husband to whomever h-has been lucky enough to win your heart."
Prince aches at the sight of this.. strong woman. He knew well why she feels the way she does, and it just makes him feel guilty. It could've been her. It could've been her all this time. "Biara..." He says longingly, before shaking his head a bit, "..So.. uhm. What did you want to tell me?"
Biara manages to speak without her voice cracking, but only just barely so. She looks away from him, "I-I...I suppose it is not important now." She folds her arms across her chest, hugging herself and looking back at him, her eyes glistening, "It's nothing I can't take care of myself."
"I'm still here to help. You know the kind of man I am..” Prince said, trying to gain favor with Biara in the moment.
Biara nods, her tone somewhat sullen, "A good man. One who needed better than what he was dealt. I'm happy for you, truly." She turns away from him and shakes her head.
Prince reaches out and places his hand on her head, patting it softly. Something he dared never try, but, he didn't care if there were negative repercussions. "Biara, don't be like this. We can still have what we had. Just no kissing, cuddling, fucking or inviting me out to Gala's to show me off." He leans over to the side to glimpse her face, "Be the proud woman I know you to be, just don't bite my head off for not being yours. Because in a way..." He reaches down to gently move her face toward his. "..I'll be yours somehow, someway. Just not in the way you want one hundred percent."
A bystander nearby blinks and just stares at Prince like he is some type fool.
Biara does something completely out of character for her, she bursts into tears. A moment later she is pressed against Prince's chest, weeping quietly on his armor, "T-they tried to kill my daughter Prince. I-I'm so stupid. I was going to ask you...I wanted to run...to just finally be done with all of this. I thought you and I...but no, you deserved better than that. You left precisely b-because of all of this. You'll be safe now, and happy, and I'm glad for that. I-I just don't...I can't do this anymore."
Prince wraps his arms protectively around Biara, trying to calm and soothe her as he rocked her. "Shhh, shh.. It's okay. It's okay." He tried recalling everything she had said through sobs, stuttering and crying. Finally, he pulled his head away slightly, giving her the sincerest and calm look before responding. "You can't do what anymore? As far as I'm concerned, we haven't made a game plan to get back at your daughters' attackers."
Biara speaks through almost hyperventilating gasps, "I c-can't keep letting my life, my mistakes and connections a-and family bring harm to my loved ones. It's gone on too long. Astariel...she...did I ever tell you how I lost my father? When I was little? It w-was almost the same for her. She almost had to watch, as I did. It can never happen again. I-I was so stupid to think it would end, that I could step away and just do my work and study and raise her." She wipes at her eyes, "I shouldn't be burdening you with this. I-I’m sorry."
Prince wipes away her tears with his finger, "If you were such a burden, I wouldn't have come out of hiding. If you were such a burden, I wouldn't be staying in your life. Even now, if you were such a burden..I'd have walked away the moment you laid eyes on me."
Biara gives him a bittersweet smile, talking through her tears, "Now you tell me, make me feel that I'm important to you. But I can't do this to you. You have a new life ahead of you, and this...it's death. Death to those around me, to the things I treasure. I wanted you to make me run, to go against my instinct. You were smarter than me; you knew when to cut your losses, but I can't take you from her, whoever she is now. She deserves your protection now."
Prince places both his hands gently upon her shoulders, "Don't you worry about what's going on in my personal life, just tell me who I have to track down and put arrows into, 'kay?" He smiled at her, "And what do you mean 'make you feel that you're important.' You've always been important. Just because we’re not betrothed, doesn't change that." He winks at her playfully. "Dummy."
Biara wipes at her eyes, calming herself, she glances around and realizes she's been carrying on in public. She shakes her head, "You walked away, all those years ago. And I fully understand why now. Even I can't take it. You were not the last to do so either."
Prince shrugs, "I was weak. Sue me."
Biara shakes her head, "Being smart isn't weakness. It doesn't matter now. This has to end." She appears to be a little angrier now, "I see now the way it has to be. As others have mentioned, the only way to fight fire is with fire."
"Politically, of course?" Prince asks.
Biara stares at Prince, something dead deep within her eyes, "They tried to murder me in front of my nine-year-old daughter, just as my father was murdered before my own eyes. The person who did this will learn what it means to face a Magistrix in battle. I would have run across Azeroth with you, if you'd convinced me, but there is only one solution now. It can never happen again. Ever."
Prince smiles, "I knew you'd run away with me. But the life I had wasn't the life you needed. I made a decision purely out of love and protection." He centers himself, and puts a small amount of distance between them. "What would you have -me- do?" He asks.
“If I'm to do this, then I need you to promise me something. If anything happens to me, I want you to make sure Astariel is looked after. My sister...has her own priorities. I want her to have a protector. I am naming you that person. If I fall, you take her and run with her, and never let them find her,” Biara replied, her voice pleading.
Prince gives her a very stern, serious expression. "You have my word, Lady Biara." He smirks ever so slightly, "However, I have a condition."
Biara pauses, studying him, "What condition is that?"
Prince looks deep into her eyes, "Whatever happens, no matter what, you have to come back to her. Live." He looks around the area, thinking about something else before snapping back to look at her, "And.. I would miss you too much.." He glances away slightly.
Biara gives him a half smile and sighs, "You could always say the right thing at the wrong time, Prince. I wish...I knew then what I know now, I would have cherished you more. You know me though, and I think you understand that if I do not survive this, a great number of other people will also not survive it. I cannot do any less than fight as my father would have. This is a family matter that has gone on for too many decades." She pauses and stares into his eyes, "Your betrothed is lucky. I hope she is everything you need."
"She is, but friendships are irreplaceable, and I have very few of those,” Prince replied.
Biara smiles, looking sad but at least calm now, "And soon you will have children to bounce on your knee and train to use a bow. Your life will be rich and full, as it should be. I...I really am happy for you, even if I'm jealous a little. Fear of what I'm facing does not cloud that fact."
Prince smiles, "And here I am, having all that you say... and still offering to help you face said fear. In any way I can. An Azeroth without Biara Dayfire... well, that's not a world at all.” He chuckles.
Biara sighs, smiling more despite herself, "Why can't there be two of you anyway? The world is very unfair sometimes. You've bolstered me though and I think I know what I will do now. When a dragon strikes at you removing its head is the most effective way to ensure it does not bother you any further, and that is precisely what I will do."
Prince folds his arms, bringing a hand up to rub his chin, "Perhaps there is a law stating that a man can have more than a single wife?.." He chuckles.
A bystander nearby blinks and facepalms
Biara rolls her eyes, "I'll let you explain that to my sister. After your swollen face heals enough you can tell me what she thought of it." 
A nearby Sin’dorei woman turns to her companion and says, “You ever try to get more than one wife I will set you afire have you healed so I can set you afire again.”
Biara grins, clearly having heard the other woman's remark, "It seems your suggestion is not acceptable to most people, shocking, Prince. Really though, you made that choice long ago and it was a fair one and better one for you."
"But not for you. I'm a pleaser, Biara. I'm sorry I want to spread the love among two people," Prince replied, offering the Magistrix a shrug. "I mean, one is enough. But two would be divine. Say it with me Biara: Two. Wives."
Biara leans forward suddenly and kisses Prince, on the lips even! "You are sweet, and I know you speak from your heart and with a desire to help, but your life will be sweeter without your betrothed murdering you. Or my family. Or my enemies. Or me by accident. I think we both know damn well that I'm going to die alone, and not of old age but in battle. So be it; those who struck my father down will finally get what they deserve."
Prince is stuck with puckered lips. He really wasn't expecting a kiss. on the lips! "Uh huh." His lips quiver a bit before he regains his composure... somewhat. "So. Not. Letting. You. Die. Alone."
Biara pats the side of Prince's face gently, "Then go and find me a long lost brother or something, and do it fast. Because the minute I leave here I'm going back to my spire, and I'm digging through my mother's old things until I find her old ward-ring. And then I'm going to finish this once and for all, and those bastards are going to wish they had never heard of House Dayfire."
Prince shakes his head smirking at her attempt at humor, "I don't think I have a brother... or a half-brother. One of a kind, Biara. If you're going, I'm going with you to help you end this. Besides.." he mulls over the details of the past couple of days. "...I don't have a report due until tomorrow... and I don't need to be back at my Sisters' Spire until the day after tomorrow to continue training the recruits. Sooooooo, looks like you're stuck with me." He shrugs, matter-of-factly.
Biara shakes her head, smiling sadly at him, "No. As much as I'd like to have you by my side, I owe you a debt for what I've put you through over the years. I'll not snatch your happiness from you at the last moment. You and your betrothed deserve better than that." She pauses and smiles, "Besides, you've promised to guard Astariel should I fail. I hold you to your word on that. This is...something I must do alone. Facing my father's murderer has been something I've thought of for many years."
Prince crosses his arms like a child that couldn't get his way, "Fine. You're lucky I keep my promises; else this conversation would've went in a completely different direction." He sulks playfully.
“It is because you keep your promises that I made you give your word. There are so few I can trust, and no one knows of you within my family. They wouldn't look for her there, not with you. I hope not to put you to this test though; I will not fail,” Biara replied solemnly.
“And if you do... I won't,” Prince replied with a grim smile.
Biara smiles at this, and nods, "It is House Dawnslight. I know it is. My mother's House. They hounded her when she was alive, tried to sway my father's will. For years they tried to contact and influence me. Only they would try to murder me in the same manner as my father before me. Only they can be responsible. If I fall, mark that name well, for it is they who will come for the remnants of my family."
Prince thinks for a moment. "Your magical wards... I wonder if...Can you place a magical rune on my body, linked to your life-force?
Biara pauses, "That...would be extremely dangerous. You might...it's complicated, but you might get dragged somewhere unpleasant if I were to pass."
Prince shakes his head, "No, no.. all it needs to do is disappear if you... die. I can't have misinformation find its way to me. I have to instantly know. Then, I will barge into House Sunfire, and carefully try and take Astariel somewhere safe."
Biara nods. She holds out her wrist and removes a bracelet from it, pressing it into Prince's hands, "I use this to speak with my sister. I will craft a third and link it. Should the gem fade, then I have passed." She pauses for a moment, looking at him with a critical eye, "It is a communication device. Please do not use it to hit on my sister..."
Prince winks with his only, critical eye, "I can't promise I won't use it, but hitting on Kyli is like asking to be killed."
Biara grins, "It is, especially since she's entangled with our Master at Arms who also happens to be our spymaster. That gentleman is quite dangerous indeed. But keep this, it will let you know if I fail."
            Prince accepts the bracelet, putting it on as he replied, “Thanks. For what it’s worth, don’t die. Use all of your destructive power. Don’t forget to flush if you have to use the bathroom along the way..um..don’t forget to eat lots of green veggies if...Well, if you plan on eating meat. Lots of it. The veggies allow your body to utilize the nutrients and it seems like you could use some…and…” Prince continues to ramble on about things incoherently until he is interrupted.
            Biara sighs and smiles. She leans forward and hugs Prince tightly. Her voice is full of emotion when she replies, “Thank you. For not forgetting me. For giving me the strength I need. For everything.”
            Prince hugs her back, “Thank you for not letting me forget about you. Is this…goodbye?” He nuzzles her neck, but not in a way that makes any implications.
            Biara holds him for a moment, shaking her head, “Never. It will never be goodbye. I’ll walk through fire to return to my daughter and those I care about. I promise you that.”
Biara gently pushes away from Prince, smiling at him, "I have to go prepare now. I will hold you to your promises my dear friend. Until we meet again, take care of yourself and live well."
Prince smiles, "I guess.. 'You too..' would be entirely inappropriate as a response right now?" He chuckled, half-heartedly.
Biara smiles and nods, "I will. And for what it's worth, a part of me will always love you. Farewell Prince."
"Tsk tsk, stealin' my lines. Who are you? A part of me will always love you too. Farewell... Biara'thiel,” he said softly.
With one final smile and glance, Biara turns away, her magic flaring around her, carrying her back to her spire and the looming battle ahead, leaving one of her dearest friends behind to live the life his faithful loyalty had earned him in the end.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Bloodlines: Part 2- Not my Mother, Not my Father

*Falconwing Square, at a ceremony to dedicate a new initiative for magical research funded through the Reliquary*

"...and so it is with great honor that I offer my contributions to this project with the presentation of this statue to represent our continued drive to improve the lives of all Sin'dorei through magical power," Biara Dayfire said proudly, her arms spread wide to the crowd before her. Falconwing Square echoed with the applause of hundreds in the audience who had come to attend the ceremony and hear the pledges and contributions of the nobles that Biara had aligned herself with.

The group had agreed to let Biara give the speech commemorating the donation of the marble statue behind the Magistrix, the work commissioned by artists hand picked through House Sunfire and paid for with a stipend from Biara's personal treasury. It was to be followed by additional gifts of funds to help combat the lingering remnants of the Wretched within the district and to aid those families who were so poor that access to magic beyond the Sunwell or to magical care was limited.

Behind Biara a small group of attendees clapped politely, smiling at the Magistrix as she turned towards them. Amongst the group was the smiling face of Astariel, Biara's daughter having been given permission to attend the ceremony. Her delighted clapping was easy to pick out from the others and Biara shot her daughter a wink as she accepted a pair of golden scissors that would be used to cut a red ribbon draped across the statue, which depicted a cowled Magister seemingly offering an open book to those standing before it. Further back from the dais where Biara was giving her speech were a number of House Sunfire guards, with Braeth'el in attendance and watching over her as she gave her presentation.

Biara took the golden scissors in one hand, smiling and waving at the crowd again as she moved towards the statue. She turned away from those watching, reaching out towards the ribbon that she was to cut. It was in this moment of vulnerability that her enemies struck, the assassins hired by the Lord Orthan Dawnslight taking the opportunity presented when Biara's back was turned.

Even as she reached towards the ribbon, Biara heard a shrill scream echo over the sound of the applause, time seeming to slow down as Astariel darted in between the attendees and lurched towards her at full speed, her little voice piercing and instantly alarming, "Mommy! Watch out!"

The golden scissors began a seemingly endless tumble towards the platform upon which Biara stood as her daughter's urgency and panic washed over the Magistrix. Temporal magics rippled through her body, Astariel's unrefined and uncontrolled powers clashing with Biara's wards as the nine year old's hand touched Biara's side. Biara's eyes dilated and for a brief millisecond of time she was somewhere else, in another time.


Tel'athar Dayfire had just finished his speech, his arms outstretched to the crowd of workers before him, their applause echoing through the open plaza. His impassioned tones had won over the workers, and his promises of better wages and working conditions had convinced them that the Lord Dayfire was indeed a man of honor as they had been told. 

An adolescent Biara watched proudly from the side of the dais where her father was giving his speech, her mother standing rigidly beside her and presenting the very best public image she could to support Tel'athar's words. Biara clapped happily, enjoying the way her father had won over the people and knowing that he would make good on his word.

Her happiness was shattered a moment later as arrows flashed from the crowd, piercing her father's chest in several places. She screamed, her voice drowned by the shouting and yelling that had suddenly risen from the crowd as the hidden assassins struck.

Selun'athiel Dayfire screamed even louder, the sound a heartbreaking dirge that Biara would never forget for as long as she lived. Even as Tel'athar fell mortally wounded, Biara reached out for her mother's hand, her fear washing away her courage. She found herself rebuffed by her mother, shoved backwards towards the guards, her mother's voice shouting incoherently as magic began to build in the air around her, endless power that Biara was not yet old enough to fully understand.


Time lurched back to normal, and the weight of Astariel's young body slamming into Biara's hip jolted the Magistrix back into reality. Heartache raged through her as she fought off the emotions of the memory, trying to keep herself focused and knowing that something bad was coming that had so startled her daughter.

But Biara was not Tel'athar Dayfire. While she shared his passion for Quel'Thalas and his vision for a future where all elves within it could live in comfort and with their honor, she had lived through far too much, survived far too many battles. Where she fought with her father's honor, she had a cunning, an almost doomsday-like approach to every situation. There was no safety, not even in Silvermoon. There was never a time when one should not be prepared for war, when one should not prepare the members of one's House for war. And so it was that Astariel's hand came up and slapped against the wards glowing through Biara's dress, her tiny voice shouting the words that her mother had taught her to use in the most dire of emergencies.


Magical wards crackled to life as Biara's arms came around her daughter, embracing her child in a cocoon of safety. Ice crackled through the air, slamming down around them in a barrier that was impenetrable. Even as it settled into place, Biara felt a shudder run through it as the arrows that had been aimed at her back missed their mark, the magic protecting her and her child from harm. Magic that her father had not thought he'd need amongst his own people.

Ice shattered around them, chips of it whirling through the air as the barrier finally shattered. Broken arrowshafts clattered onto the dais along with the frozen slush, and Biara whirled around, keeping her daughter behind her and her body between Astariel and their would-be assassins. It took Biara's combat instincts only a moment to recognize that there were five figures who were standing amongst the now panicking crowd that were not running away. Five assassins hidden within the group, intent on taking her life or possibly the life of her daughter.

Fury raged through Biara, and she felt Astariel's hand wrap around her own for a moment. Temporal magics battered at reality, and for a brief second Biara found herself again in that moment in the past.


The guards had clamped their hands on Biara's shoulders, dragging her backwards and away from Selun'athiel. She screamed wordlessly as her mother walked away from her, the magic in the air around the powerful sorceress almost too bright to look at. She struggled to break free, struggled to run to her mother's side even as House Dayfire guards dragged her away. It would be a regret she would carry for years that she couldn't stop Selun'athiel from what she did next, that she couldn't be there to support her mother, even if there had been little a child could do.

And Selun'athiel continued to walk away, her pace steady and determined. Never once did she look back at her daughter whom she was abandoning. Not one time did she consider those around her, the innocent workers who had not known that deadly assassins lurked within their midst. As her magic grew brighter, Biara was forced to shield her eyes, her despair causing her to crumple and allowing the guards to bustle her away, always away and towards safety.

Even as she was forced into a carriage by Dayfire guards, she would never forget the sound of the explosion that rocked the city behind her, or the sudden and utter silence that descended as hundreds of people passed from life in an instant. 


Biara blinked as reality slammed back into place, rage and emotional pain mixing through her. For a moment nothing but a wordless cry escaped as the memories of her childhood's end tore through her mind. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts and looking down at her daughter.

Biara was not Selun'athiel Dayfire. Though rage filled her, she had learned through much hardship that control of her power was mandatory for her to survive in combat and in life. Her body bore the scars of her missteps, of her tendencies that made her sometimes lash out as Selun'athiel once had. But more than that, Biara loved her daughter with all her heart. She would never in a million years send the girl away to live with the agony of not knowing what had happened. She would never even conceive of leaving the little girl defenseless in a world that could take everything from her in a heartbeat.

"Astariel, Long Watch, by the statue!" Biara shouted, the code phrase one of many that she had developed with her daughter. It was time to fight, but Astariel would neither be dragged away screaming nor be left to the inadequate defenses of her guards who had clearly already failed.

The little Sin'dorei girl released her mother's hand, nodding once and drawing in a breath to keep her courage up. She touched a bracelet on her wrist and backed up until she was touching the statue, the artifact creating a curtain of blistering defensive wards around her. The little girl drew two very real, very deadly combat wands from a pouch and held one in each hand, facing away from the statue and prepared to defend herself or her mother as needed.

It had taken only seconds to prepare, and in that time much of the crowd had begun to flee in fear. Biara's hands came up, flames flickering at her fingertips as she snapped her fingers. Amongst the crowd the bowman that had fired the arrows meant to take her life suddenly burst into flames, his agonized screams echoing through the mayhem that the failed attempt had caused.

A second assassin hurled a ball of arcane magic in Biara's direction, the spell flickering as it slammed into defensive wards and was grounded. Biara's attention snapped towards this new attacker, words of power shouted into the wind ripping apart the Sin'dorei's next spell. Biara's hand lashed forward and the elf was whipped with flames, the attack designed to carefully pick him out amongst the innocents that still ran to and fro in between.

The other three attackers had drawn blades and were advancing through the crowd. Two of them had grouped together, and Biara watched in horror as one of them brought his weapon up as if to batter aside the fleeing civilians that had been watching the presentation. In a panic she drew a spellblade from her belt, the weapon flaring to life and fire dancing across the blade. With a shouted word Biara had relocated herself with a blink spell from the dais to a spot just before the Sin'dorei, her spellblade coming up and meeting the downward slash with a ring of metal and the roar of flame as magic weapon met cold hard steel.

Biara's arm was numbed from the impact but she nimbly tumbled aside as the attacker attempted to slash her again. The crowd around them ran in all directions, clearing out a space where the combatants could do battle. The second elf had dropped his sword in favor of drawing a bow with the hopes of shooting Biara while she was distracted. She shouted a word of power, blinking forward a second time and reappearing behind him. She stabbed her spellblade backwards under her own armpit, feeling it slam into the elf's back with a rigid thud and the hiss of flames meeting flesh.

The elf screamed and Biara whirled, losing her grip on her weapon as the mortally wounded and now immolated elf cartwheeled away. The second swordsman lunged towards her and she brought her hand up, her palm upright and level with her lips. She blew a breath across her palm, magic turning it into the raging fire of a dragon's attack. The elf was struck full on, his screams fading as he breathed in flames instead of air, his cooked form crumpling before her.

Biara casually stepped over her enemy, cold rage flowing through her as she yanked her spellblade free of one of the fallen corpses. The last attacker had pushed through the crowd and was attempting to climb the dais to reach Astariel. Small flickers of arcane magics from the girl's wands had burned parts of the steps leading up, and House Dayfire guards had reached her and were now surrounding her, but the thought that someone should try to harm her daughter sent Biara into blistering fury. Magic built in her hand and a fireball hurtled through the air over the heads of the remaining innocents that had not yet fled the scene, striking the last attacker in the back with an explosion of fire that made a deep boom echo through the square.

And then it was over, and Biara found herself stalking briskly through the thinning crowds, those around her who had come to their senses actually applauding her as she passed. Unlike her father, she had slain the assassins lying in wait for her. Unlike her mother, not a single innocent person was touched by her magic during the battle. The stress of the carefully controlled conflict left her shaking, but the rage she felt inside continued to fuel her steps as she neared the dais.

As she mounted the steps and moved past the smoking corpse of her enemy, she approached an armored line of House Dayfire guards who had weapons leveled in all directions. She brought her flaming spellblade up, pointing it at them, her tone imperious, "Step aside and move away from my daughter or die where you stand."

Guards blanched, several quickly hurrying out of her way and slamming into others. As they cleared a path Biara saw an inner circle of guards all around Astariel, but none closer than five feet from the girl. Kneeling that same distance away, she saw Braeth'el speaking softly with Astariel, pleading with the girl. Astariel's voice echoed from the group, "I'm sorry, Uncle Braeth'el, but you can't come any closer without saying the passphrase. Mother said so! I don't want to have to blast you so please don't okay?"

Biara physically shoved one of her guards out of the way, stepping into that five feet of cleared space and noting with pride that the dais was scorched in several places where her daughter had used her wands to shoot warning shots to keep everyone clear of her. None would lay a hand on Biara's daughter while the girl drew breath and while her mother was there watching over her. Biara's voice barked out over the silent guards, her tone scathing, "Step away from my daughter now. You have failed to protect her and she has done what I have asked her to do. Be thankful that I didn't tell her to slay everyone in sight."

Braeth'el rose, his hands outstretched, "Biara, take it easy. I know you're upset but-"

Biara brought her flaming spellblade up, the crackling tip almost touching Braeth'el's chin, "Upset? You think I'm merely 'upset'? Astariel could have been killed! How does the entirety of House Sunfire miss an assault on one of its heirs and her daughter in public?"

"Listen, I know it's bad. We will find out who did it and we'll take steps to-" Braeth'el began.

Biara cut him off instantly, her rage still evident, "I already know who did it. There is only one source for such an attack. As for you, maybe if you spent less time looking for threats in my sister's pants and more time doing your damn job my daughter would be safe. I will see to this matter, and to her security, myself. You have all failed me. Be glad that you are in Kyliska's good graces, because you are certainly not in mine! Astariel, reverie."

Astariel nodded once at the passphrase, slipping her wands away and speaking a word that caused the crackling wards around her to fade. She ran to her mother's side, wrapping her arms around Biara's hips as Biara hugged her tightly with one arm. The Magistrix brought her other arm up and spoke several words, tearing a portal open beside the two. With one last lingering glare that had endless malice in it, she and her daughter stepped through the portal and it vanished behind them, leaving the Dayfire guards to clean up the mess that had been made.

Braeth'el shuddered and shook his head. Biara was not someone to speak to when she was mad, and while it was not entirely fair to call everyone present a failure, her words had a stinging ring of truth in them given that they'd been unable to detect any hint of the threat outside the house. With a resigned sigh of someone who had a long day ahead of them, he began issuing orders to the guards in an effort to get the scene under control once more.


Standing amongst the civilians who still remained at the scene of the attack, Lord Orthan Dawnslight shuddered. He'd watched his assassination attempt unfold and been horrified to see what he assumed would have been an easy task degrade into a complete disaster. Worse, he'd seen the burning hatred on the ward-scarred face of the Magistrix that he'd just failed to kill. It was very possible that he'd miscalculated a tad bit. One could only hope that she had no way of finding out who launched the assault.

He turned away in disgust, heading back towards a gilded carriage that awaited him nearby. There was no way she would be able to trace it back to House Dawnslight. Even if the attack had been similar to the one his father had successfully launched against Tel'athar Dayfire all those years before, he was sure she'd never figure it out.

He hoped.