A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sleeping Sisters

Eversong Woods
Forests Surrounding Sunfire Estate

"Are you sure your information is correct?" the voice growled, the discontent obvious. The orc that spoke had been displeased with the assignment from the moment it had been given to him, but he had vowed to see it through, even if it meant working with weak elf filth like the Sin'dorei he was addressing.

On the other side of the map that was unfolded on the ground, the black-haired Sin'dorei nodded, pretending not to notice the condescending tone in the orc's voice. Around them over a dozen additional orcs huddled, their armor dulled with ash and their weapons ready for war. Beside the male elf stood a second, more slender female Sin'dorei with bright red hair.

Although she had not been addressed, the female Sin'dorei stabbed a finger down at the map and spoke quickly in a low voice, "Yes, our information comes from the most deeply placed spies. The right side of the central tower is where Kyliska Sunfire retains her quarters. She is known to engage in practice bouts in the training yard down below just around sunset before retiring for a bath and a meal. If we hit the tower here and enter through this window, we can take her unawares while she is without her armor and weapons in her bed."

The orc grunted, his eyes pouring over the map again, "There is little honor in slaughtering a hapless foe in her bed. Even so, traitors get what they deserve. Perhaps I will let her beg for a few moments before I slaughter her."

The male Sin'dorei cut in, shaking his head, "Kyliska Sunfire is a vicious killer. She'll fight you to the death, likely even while naked. Be glad we've found a way to strike at the first of the Sunfire sisters while she is vulnerable."

The orc nodded, pointing to the map again, "And what of her sister, the Magistrix? You believe your distraction will work?"

The female Sin'dorei nodded, smiling as she responded, "Yes. With my spells I'll create a fire that will trap her near the top of the tower. She'll be so busy fighting it that when you set real fires in the floors below she'll be unable to escape in time. I've got spells that will prevent her from teleporting out, and her tower will become her pyre."

"You had better be right," the orc responded, glaring at the two elves. "The Warchief does not tolerate failure. Your House Dawnsea was wise to come to us with news of the betrayal of this Sin'dorei family, but we cannot afford to make a mistake here. Other pathetic blood elf traitors have been making a stand alongside the trolls, and while we cannot respond directly, little lessons like this will go far to teach the others the price of betrayal. The Warchief will remember those who aided him when this is over."

The two Sin'dorei bowed before the orcs, knowing his words carried the weight of a Kor'kron commander. As they straightened up, the female Sin'dorei frowned, tilting her head, "There is something amiss here...I sense...a spell? Quickly, stand back."

The orc commander took a step back as the elf began to chant, waving her hands in the air. The orcs within the small clearing watched tensely, looking for signs of betrayal. Small little blue sparks of magic drifted over the clearing, glittering in the night. "This spell will counteract any magic here and dispell it. Likely the Sunfire sisters had some defenses in place even within the forest."

As the sparks settled, the air in the center of the camp near the map began to shimmer as the magic there was dispelled. Space seemed to warp for a moment before solidifying, an invisibility spell collapsing and revealing the presence of a cowled elf in red robes that had been standing amongst the group the entire time in secret.

Although the elf's face was partially concealed by the cowl, her lips curled into a tight-lipped smile and blue wards began to glitter on the face hidden within the cowl. Her voice came out in an almost sensuous tone, a bit of playful mocking hidden within it, "You know, if you are going to be such amateurs you really should select an easier target. Perhaps House Sunhaven? Their estate is much more easily breached I've been told."

For a moment the clearing was completely silent, the orcs and Sin'dorei looking at each other with wide eyes. A second later it exploded into action as orcs drew weapons and howled, even as the two Sin'dorei prepared their own spells. All of the attacks were focused on Biara, who stood calmly in the center of the clearing with her hands by her side. Weapons arced out and spells flashed, all reaching for her.

Only there were two of her. And then three. And then four.

Spells slashed into mirages, hitting nothing but the orcs standing behind them. Charging attackers staggered through non-existent foes to impale their comrades. All the while, lancing bolts of razor sharp ice began to fall amongst the orcs, slaying an assailant here or tearing through a limb there.

Around the edge of the clearing lights suddenly sprang to life, the flames of lit torches throwing the clearing into stark relief. Throughout the woods around the would-be assassins were Blood Knights, their armor gleaming in the torchlight. Amongst them Kyliska stood, her helm in her hand and a grin on her face. She placed her helmet on her head and drew her greatsword with one swift motion, a warcry already on her lips as she began to dash towards the fray.

It was over in less than a minute. Completely surrounded and outnumbered, the surprised assassins found themselves crushed by the Blood Knights even as spells continued to slaughter them from amongst their own ranks. The Kor'kron leader did what he could to rally his men, but there was no one direction in which to engage the foe, and one by one his orcs were cut down.

He turned, deciding to cut his way through the attackers and into the forest beyond, his blade coming up in preparation to behead one of the Blood Knights blocking his path. With a roar on his lips, he charged, only to feel a terrible agony settle over his weapon hand. He looked down in horror to see that it had been severed, his blood dripping from Kyliska's blade as she stepped closer. With one hand she reached up, ripping her helm free again and watching him with her glittering fel green eyes.

"You know, I'd make you beg for a few minutes before killing you, but you made me miss my bath this evening and I'd really like to get back to my 'normal routine'. You understand, right?" Kyliska said in a mocking tone.

The orc roared, drawing a dagger and leaping towards her, only to find his charge intercepted by a flaring of Light that left him dazed. A gauntlet slammed into his throat, crushing his windpipe and forcing him to his knees. Choking and sputtering, he looked up to see Kyliska standing over him, his last sight a view of her sword as it arced down towards him in the torchlight.

A moment later Kyliska turned, flicking orc blood from her blade as she sought her sister out. Biara stood in the middle of the camp, watching as House Sunfire troops cleaned up the rest of the assassin nest. As Kyliska joined her sister, two Blood Knights came forward, a slumped Sin'dorei held in between them. It was the female spellcaster, looking a bit worse for wear with bruises on her face and blood running from a cut on her lip.

Biara smiled, nodding at her sister before studying the captive closely. Around them the howls of Blood Knights putting the wounded to the sword echoed through the dark forest. "Magistrix, what shall we do with the prisoner?"

Biara reached up, pulling her cowl down so she could get a better look at the elf. Fel green eyes studied the prisoner, and the prisoner spat on the ground at the sisters' feet. "Do with me what you will. I did what was right for Quel'Thalas. I'm not the traitor here!"

Biara reached forward, lithe, manicured fingers holding the elf's chin upright and forcing her to meet Biara's gaze. She squeezed, her nails digging into the prisoner's cheeks, "No. You ARE the traitor. I am a Magistrix of Silvermoon City, and I will decide what is right or wrong. By bringing Kor'kron into our forests you threaten the safety of our realm, and I deem that you ARE a traitorous little bitch."

The elf tried to speak again and squealed as Biara's fingers began to heat up with magic. The Magistrix snarled, stepping closer, her voice a low and venomous whisper, "I will never allow traitors and criminals to threaten the safety of the Sin'dorei. I have sworn my life to this cause, and now I will take yours in order to see to it that we do not fail. You should have thought twice before crossing House Sunfire."

Biara pushed the elf's head down, turning away condescendingly. She nodded at Kyliska, who gave her a grin before turning to walk with her. Biara gestured as the two departed, speaking over her shoulder, "Bring her to the dungeon. I have a few....questions to ask her later."

With that the Scions of House Sunfire departed the clearing, heading back towards the tower that stood above the trees in the distance, a red banner depicting a burning sun with two crossed swords behind it fluttering in the cool evening air above it, the starlight shining down from the sky above.

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