A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Faces of Deception

"The Lady Bernice Lightston!" the herald called out, the sound only partially heard over the murmur of the crowd of nobles who filled the foyer and the large hall beyond.

Rosellina smiled, nodding her thanks to the herald as he took her invitation card and walking towards the throngs of nobles. She was dressed in a deep red dress that faded almost to orange near the bottom, the warm summer colors accenting those areas on her shoulders and arms where her skin was exposed. The ball was a masquerade, and her dress had been complemented with an ornate mask that covered the vast majority of her face, the gilded front resembling a sun with the rays curling up and away from her face and through her hair in glittering gold.

As she made her way into the main banquet hall she looked around, checking to ensure that any of the real Lady Lightston's friends were either not in attendance or that they had not noticed her arrival. She had purposely come a little late such that the guests would already be engaged in conversation and less likely to notice her arrival, and so far it seemed to be paying off. With everyone wearing masks, it was likely that even good friends might not spot one another amongst all of the other nobles, and with dancing, music, and wine to take their attention it would allow Rosellina the chance to wander around the estate, gaining as much information as she could.

Even as she confirmed that the plan was progressing smoothly, the band struck up a lively tune and a number of nobles moved towards the dance floor, the ball already beginning to pick up in tempo and the wine flowing freely. Rosellina snagged a glass of wine from a servant that offered it to her, pretending to sip it as she slipped through the crowd. There were few guards visible around the hall and based on the throng of nobles congregating on one end of the dance floor the party's host, the Lord Zackery Falconoak, would be busy for quite some time to come.

Smiling behind her mask, Rosellina set her wine glass down on a nearby table and slipped towards a door on the side of the hall; one that lead deeper into the estate.


It had been child's play to slip out of the ball itself, making her way through the unguarded door and into the corridors beyond. Whenever Rosellina did encounter a guard or servant, she merely asked them where the powder room was and affected a vapid air about her, offering a thanks and a giggle before heading off. As soon as the servants or guards disappeared from sight, she'd continue on her path, always seeking out the more plushly appointed rooms, searching for the private den or office that the Lord of the house would likely keep for himself.

After trying a number of doors only to find guest chambers, storage closets, and at one point what appeared to be a meeting or conference room, Rosellina finally pushed opened a door at the end of a long hallway, revealing a plush den beyond.

The room had a number of stuffed chairs surrounding a small hearth that had a fire going in it, the other portion of the room taken up by a large desk with a tall-backed leather chair behind it. Papers lay across the desk along with quill and ink, and rich tapestries hung from the walls and gave the room a warm, rich feeling to it. A small door lead off of the den, presumably towards some private areas only accessible by the Lord of the estate himself, and one wall of the room was made entirely of windows that presently had thick velvet looking curtains covering them.

Beneath her mask Rosellina smiled; this was exactly what she was looking for. Judging by the paperwork on the writing desk and other scrolls and books on a nearby bookshelf, it appeared that she had found Lord Falconoak's private study. She took a step towards the desk, her gilded high heels making no sound on the expensive carpet that covered the flooring.

No sooner had she reached for the first stack of papers on the desk than a sound came from the corridor behind. In a panic, Rosellina dropped the paperwork, turning and straightening her dress before affecting a neutral expression. The door to the den pushed open and a man entered the room, pausing to stare at her.

He was tall and dressed in the latest style of the nobles of Stormwind. Lean and lacking a warrior's build, he had long blonde hair that came past his shoulders. With his face obscured by a mask depicting a classic theatrical smiling face, it was hard for Rosellina to identify him at first, but the tone of his voice as he spoke immediately made her realize that she had encountered none other than the Lord Falconoak himself.

"W-what are you doing in here?" he complained, almost sighing the question out.

Rosellina offered him a smile, dipping her head, "I'm terribly sorry my Lord. I was merely searching for the powder room to fix my hair and I got all turned around and then the guards gave me directions but I totally could not remember which way they said to go. I'm really sorry!"

The man paused, reaching up to pull off his mask. His ice blue eyes studied Rosellina closely, and she forced herself to stand still as he looked her over like a prime piece of beef on a plate. After a moment, he smiled, seemingly satisfied with what he saw, "I see. Well then, it's no trouble. I was simply attempting to escape the crowds. These balls can be so tiresome as I'm sure you can imagine. By the way, what is your name dear? Let's see your face."

With another dip of her head, Rosellina reached up and carefully removed the gilded sun mask, offering Lord Falconoak another smile, "My name is Bernice Lightston, my Lord. And yes there were so many people. I couldn't believe how well attended your party was!"

Lord Falconoak waved a hand, smiling at Rosellina, "Now now, we're alone and in my private study. Please call me Zack. And would you care for a drink? I need something to take the edge off."

Rosellina smiled and nodded, "That would be wonderful my L-...Zack. I would be delighted to share a drink with you."

With another smile Lord Falconoak walked across the room, setting his mask down on the writing desk and reaching down to one of the drawers. With a flourish he produced a bottle and two small glasses, the wine an extremely rare and expensive vintage. Rosellina plastered a look of elation on her face as he looked her over again, watching as he poured two decently sized glasses of the red liquid.

"Please, come and sit," he said, handing a glass to Rosellina before proceeding to the oversized chairs near the hearth. She watched him as he walked, trying to discern if he had a bit of elven blood in him. Given his leanness, the hair, and the way he moved it almost seemed so. She shrugged and followed after him; it was not like she knew what her own heritage was, and he was certainly different when he wasn't in battle or being draped over the saddle of her horse.

As she sat, he continued to devour her with his eyes, and she made her best effort to encourage him to keep looking, leaning just so and offering him another dazzling smile. After a moment he looked up into her eyes again, seeming curious, "You know, you look somewhat familiar, although I do not believe I've ever met you before Lady Lightston."

Rosellina waved a hand at him, shaking her head, "No I do not believe we've met before, although I've seen you at other events I am sure. And please, call me Bernice! We should be on friendly terms I think!"

Lord Falconoak took a sip of his wine, nodding at her, "Bernice it is then! And yes, I could use more friends indeed. These are troubled times for my House and it never hurts to have someone to speak with about such matters, especially one who is likely to brighten my evening as much as the stars would in the sky."

Rosellina actually blushed, the emotion rolling through her quite accidentally. She laughed, shaking her head again, "You're too kind Zack. It does displease me to hear that you are experiencing troubles though. If I may ask, what ails your House? Perhaps House Lightston can be of service to you?"

Rosellina had purposely slipped a subtle inflection into her voice, the tone implying that 'service' could be any number of things. Now it was Lord Falconoak's turn to blush, and he looked away and into the fire for a moment, "That...is quite kind of you to say. Your company alone has already done wonders for my current state of mind. You see, things had been going well until recently, when I was cruelly mistreated by my harridan of a wife. Although I cannot provide any evidence, I think that she was responsible for my recent abduction!"

Rosellina's eyebrows shot up, and she looked at Lord Falconoak with a keen eye, "W-wife? Oh I do hope that you won't have any trouble for having me here in your den Zack. I would hate to give you any additional worries. And an abduction? That sounds truly evil! I am glad to see that you managed to escape unharmed, you poor dear!"

She reached over, patting him on the knee in a friendly manner, her fingertips lingering just a tad too long. He smiled at her, and she could see the contact taking affect in his expression, "Oh no no, it's quite alright Bernice. In fact, it is more than alright. I have had issues with her for some time now, and if she is going to plot against me so openly that it threatens my life....well, her opinion is hardly something I concern myself with at this point. As for the abduction, it is most fortunate that my manservant was able to escape and notify the authorities. Stormwind's guards launched a rescue effort, although they could not find enough evidence to convict my wife of the crime, not yet at least."

Rosellina nodded sagely, giving him a sly wink, "Well then, I am glad to hear both that you are well, and that you are taking this in stride. It is the mark of a truly great Lord when he overcomes such difficulties with the grace you've displayed. Please, if there is anything I can do to help uncover your wife's illicit activities, you have but to ask. We are all citizens under the Crown, and I would be remiss not to offer my hand in aid to such a brave and honorable man like yourself."

As she took a sip of her wine, Lord Falconoak considered Rosellina's words, his eyes straying over her form again. He offered her a nod and a smile, sipping his own wine before replying, "You know, I do believe you just might be able to assist me. You see, for the longest time I have been unable to act, as she controls much of my guard force. She would know before I could make a move that would expose her, leaving me helpless. But you...you must have your own men, your own wealth upon which you can call. Why, between us, I suspect we could create a conspiracy to uncover exactly what she is up to, wouldn't you say?"

Rosellina blinked, forcing herself to make her eyes go wide. She pressed a hand to her chest, pretending to be startled by the notion, "Me? Involved in a conspiracy? Why...that is such a novel concept. Can you imagine? Me, the Lady Bernice Lightston, uncovering dastardly deeds like in the stories and plays I adore! How wonderful! Of course I would love to assist you Zack, especially if this meant we could spend more time together."

Lord Falconoak smiled, raising his glass in toast to Rosellina, "Naturally it would be my pleasure to do so. Why, I do believe this will be the beginning of a most wonderful friendship! To a conspiracy then, Lady Lightston!"

Rosellina laughed, raising her own glass, "To a conspiracy, Lord Falconoak!"

As they drank their wine, Rosellina managed to keep the mirth out of her eyes and expression. It wasn't easy of course, but she did a fairly good job of it.


Hours later a gilded carriage left the Falconoak estate, Rosellina safely seated within it. She had had just enough wine to give her cheeks a slight flush, but not enough to dull her wits or senses. She and Lord Falconoak had talked for many hours, and she had learned much about the nature of the man whom she had saved during that ambush in the forest.

Like any other noble in the city he could be pompous and arrogant, although his seemingly fragile form and delicate nature was a stark contrast to many of the powerful warriors and knights that Rosellina had observed in the past. Although he was unable to control his roaming eyes, he was overall rather respectful and polite. It would not be impossible to work with him.

He had left her with promises that they would meet again soon and begin planning what to do about his wife. Rosellina knew that this was the in she was looking for. She'd find out exactly where the weapons were originating from and put an end to the situation before it presented any more danger to the heroes fighting against the Kor'kron in the Barrens.

And if her duty involved her sometimes having to be escorted around like a noblewoman, regularly complimented by lords of the city, and partake of some of the rarest wine she would likely ever consume...well, everyone had to make sacrifices for their nation sometimes, didn't they?

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