A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Journal Entry- September Twelfth, Evening

"I have given much thought to our current state of affairs and the situation at hand. Although we have met with some success in establishing a presence in the city, and we have managed to procure at least some of the much needed spell components and other supplies that Dawnslight Isle requires, I still feel like we are in a precarious position.

Before we are able to open portals to other areas of Quel'Thalas to fully secure our supply lines I must at least attain a non-aggression pact with one or more Houses. This will ensure that we have a suitable location for such a portal, and also reduce the risk that any of my people will come under attack from our rivals. This has always been my objective, and I will continue to seek out House Felo'melorn nobles in order to achieve these ends. It appears that we may have some room to negotiate with the local covens of warlocks within the city as well, although I will approach this with a wary eye indeed, for those who practice my arts are generally not the type to be reliable in their promises or deeds.

This brings me to another consideration, and one that has long bothered me; the Horde. In order to ensure that House Dayfire prospers, I must make a show of force to assist those who are our allies. Beyond the fact that this will encourage other Sin'dorei to stand behind the Dayfire banner once more, it is vital that in our weakened state we reach out to others wherein our strengths can be combined.

I fear this very much, more than I can even say in words. Why do I fear it? Because of my half-sister, Biara. I have had years to study her, to come to understand what she did and why she did it. What else was I to do with my idle time on Dawnslight Isle? It is a beautiful place, but let us not pretend that it was not a prison until the portals were opened once more. And so I watched her, watched as she rose to power and the methods she employed to do so.

Can I blame her for what she did? Not entirely. I understand that she had to make a show of force, much like I do. I understand that she had to be aggressive to inspire others to fight beside her. It is my understanding of her methods that brings me the most fear, for I know how her story came to an end, with the utter destruction of everything that our House stood for.

And yet, force is needed. The Horde will not support me if I do not support the Horde. And this cannot apply just to the Sin'dorei, but all of those who have struggled under the yoke of oppression and lived on the edge of devastation. I fear that I must carefully walk a path similar to my half-sister's, and that is what I dread the most, that I might become like her and her bloody-handed sister Kyliska.

There is one advantage I have that she did not, although she and others would consider it a weakness; I have no armies to throw at my enemies. Power comes in several forms. It comes in wealth, which my father was thoughtful enough to see to. It comes in strength of arms, of which my pitiful one hundred souls would not hold a candle to the mighty armies of the world. It comes in magic, of which we have sufficient supply to defend ourselves at the least. Finally, it comes in allies.

I feel that it is in this last part that my half-sister faltered the worst, for she did not understand the value of the lives in her care. We must fight, of that there is no question, but we must conserve as well. It is only when those whom we command can trust in us that they retain their loyalty. If House Dayfire falls again, it will not be because my mistakes have lead to betrayal from within, but because our foes have pressed down on us so hard that all of Quel'Thalas must cry out at the injustice.

As for the Alliance and the Horde....well, we must support the Horde and gather what strength we may. This does not have to come at the cost of all of those who rely upon me to make wise decisions however. I will drench my hands in as much blood as my half-sister and Blood Knight Sunfire, but it will not be at the cost of all of my retainers and allies. I will also be sure to take care with how I apply force, for there is a saying that is very pertinent to these thoughts:

Strike at the child, and the hand of the mother and father shall be set against you for all of time. Strike down the mother and father before the child, and you have raised the next generation of foes to stand against you.

I will remember this when planning my battles. Innocents will perish, as they did when my half-sister lead this House, but it must be minimized to the extent possible, and we must make their military fear to do battle with us with our strategies rather than our terror. This is the only way to truly succeed.

May the Light guide me to the wisdom needed to lead this House in these endeavors, and may the sun always illuminate my path, lest I walk into the darkness beyond. I pray that I can find the way."
~Felmancer Telatha Dayfire, Scion of House Dayfire

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