A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Club Scene

                Kyliska blinked in the darkness as something nudged her side again. She yawned, slowly becoming aware of someone standing over her in her bedroom. She squinted and recognized Biara’s form, her sister silently gesturing for her to follow. Sleepily she detangled herself from Braeth’el’s arms, careful not to wake him from his slumber. She let her gaze linger on his mostly naked form in the mound of sheets before her sister’s insistent tugging pulled her towards the far end of the room and into her adjoining dressing room.
                “Biara? What are you do-,“ Kyliska tried to say before being interrupted.
                “No time for that! Here, quickly put this on!” Biara said in an excited tone of voice.
                Kyliska found herself suddenly holding a bundle of clothing that had been tossed to her. She quickly began to don them, realizing it was a stunning, ruby red dress with matching jewelry and belt. She finished changing and noticed her sister was wearing a golden dress with a plunging neckline and a slit up the side that was almost indecent, the glittering fabric complimenting her red hair. Kyli’s own dress was almost an opposite companion to Biara’s, with the golden hue complimenting her own blonde hair.
                “Perfect! I’ve got shoes for you here too. There’s just one more thing I think…” Biara muttered. She brought her hands up, chanting a spell and Kyliska saw little glowing bracelets of arcane light appear around her wrists and ankles. Biara reached out and took a lock of Kyliska’s hair, illuminating the lock with a similar blue glow. She repeated the process on herself before nodding in satisfaction and turning. With another murmured spell a portal opened and Kyliska found herself haphazardly being dragged to Sunwell knew where in the middle of the night.

                The portal disgorged the two Sin’dorei into a plaza filled with other elves, many dressed in fancy dresses like the sisters were wearing. Quite a few of them were hurrying towards a door that let light out into the courtyard each time it was opened, with many elves standing in a long queue waiting to get into the door. Still holding Kyli’s hand, Biara tugged her sister towards the door, flashing a smile at the bouncer guarding it as he let the two stunning elves cut the line and enter the doorway beyond.
                Kyliska was instantly struck with the pulsing sound of music and the flash of arcane lights as the two entered what could only be described as a club. Elves danced everywhere, with a goblin DJ playing the booming base from a strange mechanical contraption on a stage to one side. Immediately Kyliska could feel the pulse of the beat sweep through her, and she laughed as Biara began to dance next to her, the arcane ‘bracelets’ she had created for the two glowing in the dim light and highlighting the movement of their limbs.
                Shocked by her sister’s sudden desire to go out partying and thrilled by it at the same time, Kyliska let the beat take her, dancing next to her sister, her cares and worries melting away as the sound of Biara’s happy laughter was heard briefly over the beat.
                The next two hours were a blur of movement, of thrumming music, and beautiful elves with drinks in hand.

                After a time the two sisters grew tired and moved towards the bar, taking two empty stools there. Biara nodded at the bartender, gesturing towards one of the more expensive arcane-infused beverages. The bartender set a bottle and two glasses before the elves and Biara smiled, tossing far more coin than the drink was worth onto the bar for him.
                She uncorked the bottle, pouring a glass for herself and then one for Kyliska. She brought her glass up, smiling at Kyli, her voice barely heard over the pounding of the music, “To us my dear sister. To our future. To fun!”
                “I’ll drink to that anytime!” Kyliska said with a smile, bringing her own glass up and clinking it against Biara’s. The drink burned all the way down, releasing a pleasant sensation of mana through her for a moment before fading.
                Kyliska smiled and sighed happily, studying Biara for a moment before talking loud enough for her to hear, “What made you decide to come here and do this? I love it! We haven’t done this in something like twenty years.”
                Biara returned the smile, shaking her head, “It’s been too long, and we’ve been through too much. Enough is enough I say. I’ve been thinking long and hard about things, and it’s time for a change.”
                “Thinking about what? What’s on your mind?” Kyliska replied, taking another sip of her drink.
                “That highborne…what she said about us being destructive,” Biara began, taking a sip of her own drink. “Between that and what happened to you, the way everyone just abandoned you to your misery, I realized something important. We’ve spent so much time trying to find allies, trying to build things up only to be rebuffed and to have our efforts come to nothing because others fear to go where we’ve gone. What is the point in all of it? Why should we pretend we’re anything other than we are?”
                Kyliska nodded, taking another long sip of her drink; her sister was saying what had been on her mind for a long time now, “What can we do though? What is your solution?”
                Biara smiled, patting her sister’s arm, “The solution, my dear, is to be who we were always meant to be. If others don’t want to ally with us, then so be it. If they fear our destructive nature, then let them fear us instead of respecting us. I no longer care. There will be Sin’dorei who will flock to our cause, no matter what we do. Others who want more done about the dangers to Quel’Thalas. Elves who are not afraid to risk their lives working beside us. There will always be more allies who see things our way, so who cares about those who don’t? I’m done playing their games. From now on, we’re going to take matters into our own hands. Our power, our House, our objectives will be first and foremost. If others get in the way of our plans, we will set them straight or remove them from our path.”
                Kyliska beamed; this was what she’d been waiting to her, the resolution in her sister’s voice enough to send a thrill through her. The political bullshit she’d been dealing with for months faded away like a snuffed candle and she brought her drink up to toast her sister again. As their glasses clinked, she looked beyond Biara and frowned, spying a group of House Spellblaze soldiers who had entered the club, clearly already inebriated from some other venue.
                Biara’s glass clinked against Kyli’s but then she noticed her sister’s frown. She turned, her gaze immediately going to the men that Kyliska was now scowling at. She turned back, her smile mischievous now, “Why don’t we do something about them?”
                “I’m not ‘allowed’ or we’ll have more troubles,” Kyliska said glumly.
                Biara laughed, the sound bright and full of fire, “I think you misunderstood what I said just a moment ago. Either that, or you believe I honestly give a fuck what we’re ‘allowed’ to do anymore. Those days are over. It’s a new dawn for us. You just need to do things the right way. I heard about the fight you started that caused the situation to spiral out of control. Would you like a lesson on how to do that in a way that leaves your hands clean?”
                Kyliska blinked, her eyes widening, “Are you serious? What do you mean?”
                Biara winked at her, downing the rest of her drink in one gulp and slamming her glass on the table. She slid off her stool, squirming out of her shoes and thrusting them into Kyliska’s hands. In a blink of an eye she waded into the crowd, her slender form sliding between dancing elves and her hips rocking seductively to the beat.
                Kyliska watched with her mouth hanging open in surprise as Biara shimmied up against one of the House Spellblaze guards. Her lithe body moved in time to the music, getting ever closer to him as she playfully flipped her hair in his face. He grunted, dancing closer to this elven woman that was suddenly against him, his hands sliding against her hips. Biara backed against him and dipped down, her whole body rubbing against his as she danced nearly to the floor before slowly coming back up.
                Kyliska laughed as the guard’s face turned red with excitement, her sister continuing to grind against him while gesturing at another nearby House Spellblaze guard. That elf, not seeing his companion, or anything other than Biara’s low cut dress, waded closer through the dancing elves, only to have his hand caught by Biara. She dragged him closer, for a moment sandwiched between the two guards, her body writhing as she leaned forward and kissed the second guard, her tongue very obviously playfully running against his. Her hands moved wickedly over the body of both of the elves she’d caught.
                A moment later the first guard noticed his friend kissing the girl he was dancing with. His red face became one of rage, and he reached out and pushed the other Spellblaze guard. The second elf, his rather exciting kiss suddenly broken by the shove, yelled something incoherent and punched his friend in the arm. To Kyliska’s amusement she saw Biara reach out, a dainty hand planted on each elf’s chest, the sound of her voice lost in the music but her mouth obviously saying, “Boys boys….no need to fight over me.”
                The suggestion was all it took for the first guard to react, punching his friend in the face to get him away from ‘his’ girl. The second guard reeled back into some of his companions, elves who yelled and shoved him, one of them getting elbowed in the face as the punched guard flailed. A second later the scene exploded into a fistfight, the Spellblaze guards going at each other viciously.
                As the fight expanded, Biara casually padded barefoot from the middle of it, her hips still swaying seductively as she avoided being entangled by the fist-flailing elves around her. She slipped free, returning to Kyliska’s side and getting back on her stool.
                “Oops...did I do that?” Biara said with a smirk.
                “Oh my…I totally see what I did wrong now,” Kyliska replied, refilling Biara’s glass.
                The two elves held their drinks up, clinking them merrily together as they watched the House Spellblaze guards get beaten and bodily thrown to the ground before they were dragged from the club by the bouncers. Once the commotion was done Biara slipped from the stool again, reaching out and taking Kyliska’s hand, dragging her back towards the dance floor.
                There were many more hours in the night after all, and they had a new way of life to celebrate.

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