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Friday, October 25, 2013

Fel Energy and You- An Introduction to the Coven

*Penned neatly by Telatha Dayfire, a tome is provided to new members of the House Dayfire coven when they begin learning the Fel arts. The letter below is the first page of this tome.*

Greetings! You have been provided with this introductory primer in order to help you begin learning about Fel magic and your role in House Dayfire's coven. As a coven member, you will channel and make use of powers that are both fantastic as well as dangerous. This introductory course will list the basic elements that you should keep in mind as you begin your journey of learning.

To begin, the rules below are fundamental to your understanding of the Fel arts. While the rules are in no particular order of importance, the first rule is considered the 'prime' rule, and should be kept in mind above all others.

Rule 1: "Don't listen to them." Fel magic is composed of dark energy that is shared with powers both vile and demonic. During your studies, you will encounter many such entities and external forces. They are never to be trusted, never to be heeded, and never to be listened to. They provide no advice, no council, and no wisdom. They seek only to lay you low and corrupt your soul. Your will and your will alone determines your course; never listen to outside forces.

Rule 2: "They are not Sin'dorei." You will summon, control, and speak with many foul creatures while using your powers. It is natural to think of others in a personal sense, and to give elven traits to objects and creatures that otherwise do not have them. "A bunny is cute, therefore it must be friendly." Pressing elven traits onto demonic entities will only weaken you to the reality of what they are; creatures made of vile energy bent on your destruction at all times. Do not personify your tools and instead realize what they are.

Rule 3: "Together we stand strong, alone we fall to corruption." You are a part of House Dayfire's coven. Together the coven works towards a better future for our people as a whole. We do not stand alone, mighty towers against a sea of foes. Instead we stand side by side, hand in hand, from the greatest of us to the least of us, as equals. Through your fellow coven members you will gain wisdom, understanding, and protection. You will watch them for corruption, as they will watch you, and you will accept their guidance and words of caution when they have seen dangers to you that you have overlooked. As a whole we prosper, grow in power, and remain safe from the magic we wield. 

Rule 4: "Fel magic is fire." Fel magic, like fire, is a valuable tool that can be used to do wondrous things. It can empower our creations, fuel our realm, and defend us from harm. Like fire however, Fel magic can burn. Unlike fire, it can burn not only your flesh, but your very soul. When wielding it, never forget that you wield fires that would rage out of control but for your will. It is you who decide its course, and you who are ultimately responsible to keep the fire in check.

Rule 5: "They are not pets, nor beloved companions." During the course of your work, you will summon many foul creatures. Some may pretend, in their own devious way, to be friendly, likeable, or even beautiful to the eye. These creatures are not pets. They are not loyal to you. They are not beloved companions to which you should attach emotions. At every moment, they seek your demise. They are not to be trusted, not to be thought of as guards or protectors. You order them to do your will, and you must order them with great care lest they lay you low.

Rule 6: "Do not bow to the will of the Legion." Fel magic comes from dangerous sources, and the Burning Legion seeks to use this energy to destroy much of creation. When wielding your magic, do so with valid purpose. Do not destroy out of hand, do not apply the magic when it is not needed, do not seek to create the very destruction the Legion would commit on its own. Your power is a responsibility and burden, and should be looked on as something you wield with honor for Quel'Thalas. To do less is to risk all that we have worked to build. 

Rule 7: "Let no outsider abscond with your power." Your creations, your magic are yours to wield and yours alone. Others will seek to wrest such power from you, or steal that which you have created. Those outside of the coven should be monitored with care to ensure that dangerous magics are not removed from your sphere of control. Innocents may be injured if you fail to act. 

Rule 8: "Say your fears." The coven is a community wherein you are safe to freely speak what you will. It is here that you should bring your fears, your concerns and minor worries. What may seem like a simple, vexing thing to you could be more dire when looked at by the eyes of all. Together we defeat problems, alone they build up unchecked. 

Rule 9: "The coven united." The coven is a place of safety, wherein you should feel free to express your ideas, learn, and grow in the arts. It is not a place to test your magic against others, or for boastful talk or demonstration. We all learn together, and together we grow in power. Your magics shall never be used against those in the coven, nor shall they use their own against you. Bonded by more than blood, we are united as one.

With these basic rules in mind, the rest of your lessons will build upon the spells contained within this primer. Always remember these nine rules, for they will keep you safe from harm and see to it that you gain both in power, and in fame as others appreciate the work you do to better all of Quel'Thalas. We are proud to welcome you, our new brothers and sisters, into our coven and our home. Let us work as one to make a better future.
~Felmancer Telatha Dayfire, Scion of House Dayfire

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