A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Entry 27- So Totally Over This

Beckyann sat before her vanity, brushing her golden blonde hair with a brush made of polished animal bones. The bristles were specially designed not to tug and to give each motion a smooth flow through her hair so as to pull as few of the dead strands from her skull as possible. In this fashion she could style her hair without having to spend an excessive amount of time using necromancy to regenerate the strands.

She looked at herself in the mirror, admiring her reflection as the brush came down again and again, her baleful eyes glancing at the object she was using. Bones were everywhere in the Ebon Hold. They were used on armor, they decorated the banners of the various branches of the Knights that resided here, they even made up the personal effects of many of those who were quartered in the black fortress that floated gently above the plaguelands.

Beckyann herself was no exception to the general rule that bones were an excellent style choice for a Death Knight. One had only to glance at the armor she had stacked in a haphazard pile in the corner of her room to see that. The stylized bone emblems, the way her breastplate resembled a ribcage, and the skulls on her belt buckle all were typical to what members of the Ebon Blade wore.

Even in her personal attire she included a few things here and there that had the general bone motif included. Her hairpins were inscribed with death runes, which were, in themselves, little skulls that went up the dark saronite rods. She had little skull and cross-bone earrings that she often wore, little skulls on her rings, and of course her personal stationary always included paper with a little bone motif along the edge and a skull and cross-bone stamp that was her personal seal.

As she brushed her hair, she nodded at her reflection in the mirror, amused by the thought of it all. Yes, one could certainly say that Death Knights were no strangers to bones and skulls, and that one literally saw them everywhere they went in the Ebon Hold. Some of them were even real, honest-to-goodness bones that were laying around in the corners of unused rooms or to the sides of corridors where they'd been  kicked.

Beckyann sighed, placing the bone handled brush down on the vanity's top and looking at herself critically in the mirror. She was getting ready for a trip out to Stormwind and wanted to look as good as possible so as not to draw the attention of the living. She smiled, ensuring that none of the ichor that made up her saliva was stuck to her bleached white teeth and ensuring that her black lipstick was perfect. Satisfied that all was in order, she reached down and picked up her new earrings, putting them in place before slipping a necklace over her head and centering it at the base of her throat.

In the mirror, a perfectly prepared Beckyann smiled back at her, hair all in order, teeth and makeup perfect, and a large black heart necklace made of onyx sitting at the hollow of her throat. She grinned, smiling as she rose and turned from the mirror to head out her door.

Bones were SO last season after all.

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