A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Site Write 2, Entry 8- Worst Day Ever

Beckyann paused in the dim corridor, deep in the heart of Acherus. She'd known this moment was coming, and had been dreading it and putting it off for as long as possible. Still, time waited for no man or woman, and especially no undead creature, and the time scheduled to complete this most unpleasant task was now upon her. Even still, she lamented the huge waste of her time that the rest of the day would be, and wistfully wished she had time to pursue other, much more interesting activities with her free time.

She sighed, taking in a breath to prepare herself for the first step of the task. She leaned against one of the corridor's walls as other Death Knights walked past, a few of them shooting her curious looks after they saw the grim expression on her face. She nodded at them bravely as they passed, waiting until they'd cleared the corridor's length before drawing her runeblade from its place on her back. With perfection born of long practice, she began to chant words of dark necromancy, hurling bits of grave dust into the air in front of her as she cast the spell. Around her holes seemed to open, connecting the shadow realm with the real world, the howling darkness touching the edge of Azeroth's space for a mere moment as ghouls crawled forth, summoned by their Mistress.

Beckyann looked the ghouls over, counting them to ensure there were at least ten; she'd need that many to face this challenge. Satisfied that the spell had been successful, she ceased her chanting and sheathed her blade, grimly preparing herself for the task at hand. She turned, pressing her hands to the warded locks on the door behind her, pushing the door open with great difficulty as some weight pressed against it from the other side.

It was time to do the laundry.

Piles of clothes had fallen over after she'd left for her patrol that morning, their weight leaning against the door and forcing Beckyann to lean hard against it to get it open. Having cleared that obstacle and gotten her ghouls into the room with her, she paused in the center of her chambers, hands on her armored hips as she mentally bemoaned cruel fate.

The pile of clothing that had blocked the door was only one of five. In addition to this, the hamper she normally used was overflowing and had far more clothes in it than it was designed to hold. Her bed was covered with dress boxes, shoes boxes, and even a hat box, all full of the clothing she'd purchased on her latest shopping trip to Stormwind. Beneath the bed she'd kicked dozens of shoes off to the side, but she also spotted socks, stockings, and a few other garments that had managed to work their way under there and would need to be removed.

Across the room her armoire was overflowing, the drawers at its base pulled open with her few remaining garments hanging out. The door to her closet was ajar, the space beyond mostly empty as she'd worn most of the things within and thrown them into the clothing piles some time ago.

Beckyann didn't sweat. She didn't eat and therefore rarely spilled things on her clothes. Even so, after wearing them for a time they could gather dirt or the burnt stench of necromantic magic or spell components when she had them on while spell casting. They would get further dirtied when she left them on the floor of her quarters; a place where she often walked in gore-soaked armor when she came back from a patrol. They needed to be washed, and she was simply out of fresh clothes to change into, so today would have to be laundry day. There was simply no way around it.

With a sigh, she began to point, sending ghouls to begin collecting piles of clothing from various parts of the room. Ghouls were not very good at hand-washing delicate garments, but it beat the hells out of doing it herself! The other main problem with doing laundry was that Acherus had no facilities for it and no running water, unless one wanted to count rivers of putrid glowing goo that would likely make the clothes more dirty rather than less! Cleaning all of her garments meant that she'd have to take all of them down to the sea-shore and wash them there, hanging them to dry with the ocean breezes. They'd have to walk all the way through the Ebon Hold, use the Hold's teleporters to get down to the ground, and then walk the half-mile to the water's edge.

It was going to take forever.

Mentally writing off the rest of her day, Beckyann began to bark orders to her ghouls, getting them more organized as she prepared for the arduous task. When she later lead a line of ghouls through the Hold, each bearing armloads of her dirty laundry, the Initiates on guard duty were wise enough not to laugh at her until she was well out of hearing.

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