A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Legend of House Moonwhisper

*Almost 13,000 years ago*

Viala Moonwhisper sighed happily as she lay across the cushioned divan, looking out over the city of Zin-Azshari far below her from the balcony of House Moonwhisper's spire high up amongst the structures of the Queen's Palace. In one of her delicate hands was a crystal glass filled with the rarest of wines which she sipped from, enjoying the start of another beautiful evening in the paradise of the night elven empire.

Her rest was interrupted by a shout from the open patio doors behind her, "Mommy mommy!"

Viala turned her head to see a small, cyan haired night elf bounce excitedly into the room. With a soft sigh she set her wine glass down on a table beside her, sliding over as the child climbed onto the divan beside her. "What is it Malandrae?"

"Mommy!" the young elf exclaimed, "Galadrae is saying that our House was named in her honor! Is it true? Where did our House name come from?"

Viala smiled and shook her head, gesturing with one hand. Magic flared at her fingertips and from a nearby room a book lifted from a shelf, drifting out towards the pair. "Your sister COULD be the namesake of the House, Malandrae." she began.

The book drifted into her hands, and she opened it up. Beside her, Malandrae perked up, peering at the intricate drawings on the exposed page. It was a cowled figure with its arms raised high, battling some shadowy foe. "You see child, our House is named for a prophecy. It is foretold that one day darkness will fall upon our House. In the days to follow, one amongst us will hear the will of Elune herself and be guided by it. They will take the first steps to lead us from the darkness and into her grace. This sorcerer will hear her voice in the moonlight. Literally the whispers of the moon. Her voice. Your sister IS a Sorceress, and a powerful one. Perhaps the prophecy is of her."

Malandrae nodded, her eyes wide as she took in the tale. "One day I hope to be a great Sorceress like Galadrae!"

Viala laughed, patting her daughter on the head gently, "Oh Malandrae. You know full well that we've already tested you. You show only meager potential as a Sorceress. You will be sent to the temple and become a Priestess, where you will gain much power for our House."

Malandrae bit her lip and frowned, "But won't that make Her angry? To become a priestess just to benefit our House?"

Viala laughed outright at this, shaking her head, "You have so much to learn my child. Go and play now, and forget about all of this. Your sister is merely teasing you. Each of us has our place in the world, and hers is to be a great and powerful Sorceress. You will walk a different path."

Malandrae sighed and nodded, sliding from the divan and running to go play, her mother's eyes on her until she disappeared from sight.


*Current time*

Her boot had gotten stuck again. Try as she might, Malandrae could not get it out of the sucking mud. She tugged on her leg, pulling up as hard as she could to free the trapped limb. It was the third time that she'd stepped in a bog since the Sentinel patrol had set out on foot through the heavily forested terrain of Ferralas, and Malandrae was beginning to think that being a Sentinel was not all it was cut out to be.

"Are you stuck AGAIN Highborne?" a voice drifted out to her. Malandrae looked up to see one of the patrol's Sentinels walking towards her, rolling her eyes. "I swear to Elune that you are the most useless person I have ever met. Why they sent you with us is beyond me."

Malandrae opened her mouth to speak when suddenly an arrow sprouted from the Sentinel's stomach. From the bogs and trees all around the patrol warcries rose up and more arrows slashed downwards. The voices of Orcs and Tauren mixed with the death cries of Sentinels as they were brought down by the sudden ambush. In front of Malandrae, the Sentinel that had been scolding her crumpled, falling onto her back with a whimper.

Desperate, the Highborne tugged her leg free finally and hurried to the fallen elf's side, crouching down and scrambling to grab bandages from her bags, "J-just hold on. I-it'll be alright. Please hold on. I'll bandage it and we'll get you to safety!"

Even as she spoke, several projectiles landed in the mud around Malandrae, throwing gouts of dirt up into the air. The Highborne gasped as she realized that they were chunks of ice. Someone was assaulting the group with spells. In a rush, she muttered the words to a spell and some of the water in a nearby puddle formed into the shape of an elemental. She pointed at the wounded elf on the ground and spoke a command, "Gather her up and carry her to the rear of our lines. Keep her safe!"

Without waiting to watch the elemental, Malandrae rose up, looking out over the battlefield. Sentinels peered from cover, a few of them attempting to return fire with their bows as the distant horde forces continued to pin them down with arrows. All of this was lost to Malandrae though as her eyes came to rest on two blonde-haired elves standing in the middle of the enemy forces, magic glittering in the air around them. They were Sin'dorei spellcasters, using their powers to assault the hapless Sentinels.

Malandrae wasted no time. In an instant she burst into song, her magic floating on the air around her. Like a petulant child smacking a toy from another child's hands she gestured at the closest of the two Sin'dorei. The male elf gasped as his magic was literally shattered in his hands, energy sparking in the air around him as the power bled away to nothing. His companion, a female Sin'dorei, turned her gaze towards Malandrae and shouted. Magic arced between the two elves as she hurled a bolt of ice directly at the Highborne.

Still singing, Malandrae's face took on a look of total concentration as the spell collided with her defenses and fizzled away to nothing. She gestured towards the female elf and instantly the ground around the other's feet became a solid block of ice. The Sin'dorei gasped, leaning down to try and free her ankles and as she did so Malandrae gestured again, shattering the ice. The elf, now off-balance, windmilled her arms and tumbled backwards into the muck that she had been standing in, her clothing ruined and mud in her eyes and mouth.

Malandrae had only a second to congratulate herself as a fiery ball of magic hurtled through the air towards her. She pointed and shouted, throwing a bolt of ice right back at the male blood elf. The two balls of energy met in the middle of the battlefield, exploding catastrophically and hurling mud and debris everywhere. As earth rained down around the combatants, steam settled in a cloud between the two. Malandrae could hear the elf chanting again, and braced herself for another attack.

At that moment a horn sounded from the Sentinel lines, indicating retreat. Malandrae's head whipped around and she saw her companions begin to fall back in a hasty withdrawal, the horde surging forward to pursue. She turned back around and gestured, her spellsong drifting through the air. Her blood elf adversary tensed and readied his wards as her magic arced out, but he was not Malandrae's target. Her spell, a gust of freezing cold wind, struck the ground in front of him, picking up and throwing a huge wall of dirty mud and water towards him. Although no magic touched him, his wards were not designed to prevent a wall of gunk from striking him, and he was bowled over by the wave of dirt and temporarily lost from sight.

Malandrae let her power fade and turned, realizing she was almost the last to flee. In front of her a Sentinel gasped as an arrow struck her leg, and the elf began to crumple. The Highborne surged forwards and caught the Sentinel, propping her up and then helping her to move forward.

"Leave me!" the elf shouted. "You'll never make it! Just leave me and go!"

More arrows slashed into the muck around them and Malandrae grimly shook her head. She reached out and clasped the elf tight, muttering the words to a spell. Instantly both elves were teleported forward a short distance, putting some space between them and the advancing Horde.

Stumbling along with the other elf, Malandrae moved as quickly as possible through the thick undergrowth of the Ferralas jungle. As they fled, she heard the other Sentinels ahead calling out to each other; it seemed that many were missing or had fallen in battle. The situation seemed hopeless, and tears began to fill the Highborne's eyes as she hurried along with her wounded companion.

In the distance, a faint glimmer caught Malandrae's eye as she moved, as if moonlight sparkled on stone, even though it was daytime. In the sighing wind, her long ears caught the sound of something, as if a voice softly spoke to her, "Mmmmmmalaaaaaaandraaaaaaae"

Her head tilted, Malandrae turned towards the sound, something about it telling her that she HAD to go in that direction, that she had to bring the others there or they would perish. "Hurry! This way! Over here!"

Sentinels called out, turning to follow the shouted commands as Malandrae hurried off the track they'd been following, plunging deeper into the undergrowth. Around them mists grew thick and the bogs deeper. Soon the Sentinels could make out the forms of ancient and broken structure jutting from the mires; the ruins of night elves long since passed from the world. Behind them, the sound of Horde pursuit grew louder as their enemies closed in.

Several of the Sentinels began to voice questions as Malandrae plunged deeper into the ruins, but again she heard the voice on the wind, her eyes fixed ahead towards one of the broken structures there; an ancient temple of Elune. She made it another thirty yards before her wounded companion's legs gave out completely, pulling them both down on their knees into six inches of dirty water. The other Sentinels clustered around, their number greatly diminished as they peered into the silent ruins around them. Eerie moans began to rise up from the echoing bogs and they held their weapons firm.

In the distance, the elves could see that the Horde patrol had paused on the edge of the ruins, some of them actually pointing and laughing as spirits began to rise from the water. They were twisted, ancient things filled with malice, their faces almost indistinct amongst their glowing pale forms. Long dead Highborne, their suffering had gone on for countless eons, and they desired nothing more than to rend the flesh of the living.

"You've lead us to our doom you idiot!" One of the Sentinels growled at Malandrae, "If the Captain hadn't fallen she'd never have lead us this way. This is cursed ground, and even the Horde aren't stupid enough to come in here. Now instead of arrows our spirits will be torn from our flesh and we'll suffer horribly!"

Several of the other Sentinels grumbled and shouted similar insults as Malandrae stared down into the water in front of her, still on her hands and knees. Something tickled the back of her mind, and she tuned out the angry words of her companions as she strained to hear. She looked up to see ghostly moonlight dancing along the edge of the ancient temple, its light reflecting down into the water near her, almost imperceptible. In her ears a faint and ancient song sang.

Malandrae reached out with her hands, her fingers caressing the stone beneath the grimy water, feeling the words carved in the ancient ruins. Words of power and magic, the words of spells long since dormant. The magic of her people long lost to the world but familiar to her. Slowly her mouth opened and a song began. Beneath her the stones responded, magic flaring gently below the water.

As the Sentinels looked on with wide eyes, the magic surged in power, the ancient warding stones responding to the touch of one of their own. Water sprayed into the air as it was forced from the drowned stones beneath them by the power, and Malandrae's voice grew steadily as she stood upright on the center of a stone covered in glowing runess. Moonlight bathed her as she raised her arms up, caressing the magic in the stones.

Even as she sang, the first of the Highborne spirits reached the group. It ignored the weapons of the Sentinels as they passed through it, reaching out to grab Malandrae, its hollow eyes focused only on her. As its hands touched her, the twisted face of malice on the poltergeist faded, a soft sigh escaping it as it began to glow before fading away. The power around Malandrae surged as a second voice joined hers, singing the words of the spell. The wards on the ground inched outward, the ruined temple behind them beginning to glow as more power entered the structure.

More and more highborne spirits reached the group, each grasping at Malandrae and each sighing as the light of Elune took them, their voices joining that of the Sorceress until a chorus of them sang, the power thrumming in the air. In the distance, the Horde scout force shouted angrily, and a barrage of arrows arced through the air towards the group. The elves flinched as the shafts fell, waiting to die.

As the arrows fell down and into the glowing radiance surrounding Malandrae, they burned to ash, little sparks of them floating in the air like shooting stars. The Highborne herself remained motionless, her arms stretched upwards and the voices of dozens of freed Highborne spirits singing with her. Wide-eyed, the sentinels gathered close to her, the magic shielding them from further attack.

After a time, Malandrae looked down, seeing her companions as if for the first time. She lowered her hands, quickly drawing a rune from her belt and making a few gestures. Around her the chorus began to fade as she hurriedly opened a glimmering portal. Through it, the elves could see Darnassus, waiting for them to return home. Once the portal was opened, Malandrae's hands came back up, her song renewed as the shield surged.

Knowing they had little time, the Sentinels began to pour through the portal, their only hope of escape from the bogs. The wounded went first, guarded by their companions until the last of the elves was ready to depart. She looked at Malandrae and smiled, "You've saved us. Come, hurry now and go through."

Malandrae slowly shook her head, her eyes locked on the other elf as she continued to sing. The Sentinel nodded slowly, "You have to stay don't you? They aren't free yet." Seeing Malandrae's slow nod, she straightened up and saluted the Highborne before moving towards the portal. "I will not forget what you've done for us. Elune watch over you Malandrae Moonwhisper."

With that she was gone, the portal fading behind her a moment later. Malandrae paid it little mind though as she finished the song finally, her voice rising above the spirits of the Highborne around her. Moonlight flared brightly for a moment, forcing her to close her eyes. When it faded, silence descended upon the mire, the voices of the spirits faded as they finally joined their Goddess in peace.

In the distance, the horde shouted, beginning their pursuit into the ruins now that the light had faded. Malandrae paused for a moment, watching them but not really seeing as the faint moonlight from the ruined temple whispered to her once more, as if thanking her for giving peace to those who had suffered for far too long.

She smiled then, raising a hand and passing it before her face. A moment later invisibility took her, and she vanished from sight, another Highborne ghost amongst the ruins.

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