A blog dedicated to fictional short stories and role-playing across a spectrum of video-games and fantasy worlds.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The face of what once was

((Based loosely on in-game events.))

A brilliant explosion lit up the ground far below, and Seluna closed her eyes as the flash sent aftereffects through her vision. She steadied her flying horse, keeping it hovering in mid-air far above Thunderbluff as a huge battle raged below in the center of the Tauren city. She could see fires consuming several of the hide structures that the Tauren used as homes, and even as she watched another fireball blossomed below, the flames consuming the tiny dots of figures struggling around the outskirts of the battle.

The alliance were attempting to slaughter Baine and his inner council of advisors, and from appearances they were having some success at least with the latter. From her vantage point she was unable to see the mighty Horde leader himself, but she imagined that he was somewhere below, engulfed in the conflict. It was the perfect time to lend her aid and ingratiate herself with the more powerful figures of the Horde, as well as Biara's allies. Once she was able to move amongst them freely, thwarting her daughter would be so much more simple.

Mind made up, Seluna kicked her flying steed and arrowed it towards the ground. As Thunderbluff rose up to meet her, she could see that the conflict was extremely one sided; the Horde forces were being scattered across the bluffs or outright murdered by superior alliance numbers. She had to act fast in the hopes of making any impact.

The priestess landed in the rear of the battle, dismissing her flying steed with a word and gesture. Before her streamed half a dozen wounded Horde warriors, all attempting to flee what was quickly becoming a devastating defeat. She brought her arms up and began to sing, her voice bringing harmony and peace to the battlefield around her as her prayers summoned forth the Light. Instantly her hands glowed with holy power, and those warriors around her who were wounded felt her healing touch upon them as she applied her power to them.

A druid that was particularly badly wounded and pursued by foes got Seluna's full attention as her song rose to new heights. His flesh healed and his fur grew back as the tauren stopped his retreat and stood his ground, holy magic flaring into a bright globe of protective energy around him. Seluna's eyes closed as she sang, and explosions of fire ripped the ground to shreds behind her as the enemy began to focus on her. Several arrows whisked past her in the air, but she continued her prayer, unphased.

What was death to one such as she? What purpose did fear of it serve when she already knew what lay in store for her?

As the holy magic flowed through her, Seluna began to feel the agonizing burning that always accompanied the magic. It raged through her, the darkness of her existence clashing violently with the purity of the Light. The very forces that anchored her soul to her body struggled against the power she summoned forth, and it took every ounce of her iron will to keep her voice from wavering as she sang her prayers as the excrutiating pain wracked her. It was her punishment, her penance for daring to call upon the Light without redeeming herself in its eyes, and Seluna paid the price of the pain in order to achieve her own ends.

Her thoughts took on an almost feverish quality as the pain intensified and the Light burned through her. Her eyes flashed, becoming the ice blue that they once were in life, and her black hair glimmered, looking almost red beneath the holy magic that surrounded her and her allies. Her vision wavered, and she saw herself not in Thunderbluff, engaged in heated battle but instead in Eversong in the distant past. Hundreds of years of time seperated her from the moment that she recalled, but in that brief instant she saw herself standing before a crowd of people, using her magic to light up the star-laden night sky with bright fireworks of power, creating beautiful images from the fiery aftereffects, her magic an art to look on that made some of her audience weep with joy.

In her memory, she was young again, her fire red hair cascacding down around her face. The fire of her magic burned through her, a promise of power the likes of which few would ever wield. She was elegant and beloved by her friends and those who had come to see her art displayed, and amongst the crowd a single Quel'dorei caught her eyes as he watched her, the glimmer in his expression promising a future of happiness and light that it made her tremble to recall it.


Abruptly her thoughts and fevered illusions were cut short by the long and loud sound of an alliance horn. The attackers had achieved their goals, and Baine was being carried away by his remaining retainers, the mighty leader having received a near-fatal blow during the conflict. With Thunderbluff left temporarily leaderless, the alliance mages conjured portals and the attacking force fell back towards them, leaving their dead and dying behind, their mission a success.

As the raging battle faltered to a halt with the retreat of the alliance, Seluna let go of the Light like someone who had been holding a searing hot iron might. She stood trembling amongst a field of dead bodies, her efforts having saved only a precious few amongst the many wounded. She bowed her head, trying to control the emotions that raged through her after seeing the visions and experiencing the pain, and slowly her eyes faded back to fel green as she regained her composure.

The defense had failed, but Seluna's objectives may not have. Even as she looked up and took stock of the survivors, she recognized many of those who still stood amongst the Horde. The Generals Norlash and Morgaath both stood amongst the living, and she knew some of her spells may have contributed to their survival. Surely they would remember her, would remember the aid that House Dawnsea had given in this time of dire need, even if it was a defeat.

Seluna smiled to herself as she walked amongst the wounded, checking for survivors. She knew the eyes of the generals were on her, and that they were pleased with her work. Soon people would remember her, and she would worm her way into the alliances that House Dayfire already had achieved. House Dawnsea would rise, and Seluna's daughter would pay for her foolishness eventually.

Seluna bent down over the fallen form of a Kaldorei who had been left behind by the attackers. The elf's breathing was faint, and she knew the Kaldorei had little time left. She smiled as she reached down and clamped a hand over the girl's nose and mouth, watching her eyes widen in horror as the priestess gently suffocated her.

The past was long gone, and there was room only for revenge and power now.

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